Part 3.2

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Omniscient p.o.v

The reality of living with a lover was not new to Damien.

However, the reality of living with two lovers scared him.

Damien was never one to do relationships. That was until he met his ex-fiancé. Coincidentally, she showed him why he never did relationships.

He had a home with Kyla-Marine.

His ex, they built together. They met each other in college when he was just 19 years old.

He was with Kyla-Marine for four years.

They got their first home together, shared bills, and at one point, a bank account.

Damien was stupid and in love. When he loves, he loves hard, and Kyla-Marine were heavy in their bubble until the last year of their relationship.

He found her taking large sums of money from their account. She would be emotionally unattached and easily agitated.

Damien would try to hug her. She would throw a fit.

Damien would try to kiss her. Sometimes she would slap him.

Damien noticed disrespect and detachment and began moving his funds into a separate account, slowly distancing himself from her.

It wasn't an easy task. They were fiancees. A breakup wouldn't be so simple.

Or so he thought.

Damien lived in a rut, his home unhappy, his job stressful. Nothing was going his way.

That was until Adonis Jeoff.

Adonis was a new face in prison. He admired the way he walked, talked, smiled at everything.

Something about Adonis attracted Damien. His attraction for Adonis grew tremendously every day.

They weren't in the same block, so Damian saw him in the break rooms. Adonis was something Damien only watched from afar and never touched.

Damien would go home every day after seeing Adonis to an unhappy home. He and his fiancée no longer slept in the same room. They bought their groceries and made their food.

His life was a daily routine of admiring Adonis and pitying himself. Then repeat.

That was until Xander got transferred to their prison.

Xander had such a dominating aura around him. He caught Damien's eye. Xander annoyed Damien. Xander would always sneak kisses from Damien.

When Damien noticed that Xander was also interested in Adonis, they had a bit of a rivalry. Xander, of course, had the upper hand because he spoke to Adonis, flirted with him. They went as far as to...

Damian told himself he couldn't be angry. He had a fiancée at home. Yes, they were going through a rough patch. They'd been together for years.

He allowed Xander to chase him because it was nice to feel wanted again. He felt guilty because he started falling for Xander as well as Adonis.

He felt it was wrong, no matter if he and his fiancée were going through it. Unknowing that his fiancée was involved with another man every time he went to work. To his relief, he found her and the man one day in the act when he packed up his belongings and moved in with his mother.

Damien didn't take a long time to heal. He realized that his relationship was long over, and he began focusing his attention on the two men who intrigued him.

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