Part 4.4

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Filler ish? I haven't really mentioned them in a while so I just wanted to give a glimpse into their lives.

Who you think won the lil argument. Glo or JT? Lmk why. Me personally I think JT won.


Adonis watched Xander move in the kitchen as if he was floating; he saw the appeal of Xander wanting to have a food truck—he was born to be a chef.

"Pa, you look so good in this kitchen," Adonis cooed at his lover. Xander simply laughed, stirring the pot of whatever dish he had decided to cook that day. His dishes were always exotic, and neither Adonis nor Damien knew where he got the recipes from, but they always tasted delicious.

"Thank you, baby boy. I'm almost done. Damien said he'll be here shortly," Xander disclosed. Adonis nodded, sitting on the kitchen island. He was tall, so the tips of his toes touched the floor. The throuple surprisingly were still in their honeymoon phase even after months of living together, past their first hiccup as a couple. The relationship was the best either of them had ever experienced, and it was difficult to believe it all started in prison.

Not only did Adonis gain a relationship with these two loving men, but he also gained a home and a friendship with Jamal and Hector. Months ago, he was miserable and alone, living with an abusive girlfriend, slowly losing grasp of his life, and eventually fearing he would lose custody of his child as well.

His relationship with Xander and Damien gave him the strength to live as it is, to not take shit from people, and to fight for what he wants. He moved out and lived with the two, not focusing on paying any rent because his two lovers wanted him to build up his bank account in preparation for the custody fight he would be going through. The two even insisted on covering his lawyer bills.

Sometimes he looked at his life as if he were living somebody else's reality. He wouldn't have guessed happiness and fulfillment would be in his cards in the future, yet here he was living it—an out-of-body experience that he thought only fictional characters experienced.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt strong arms grip his waist, pulling him to the edge of the kitchen counter.

"Hey baby, what had you overthinking?" Xander asked, pecking all over Adonis's face.

"Mmm, nothing, Pa. You smell so good," Adonis mumbled, nuzzling into the larger man's chest.

"Thank you, baby. Something had you thinking heavy; don't be scared to tell me, alright? You know I'm here for you," Xander reassured. Adonis lifted his head from Xander's chest and leaned in for a kiss, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace.

"Ah," Adonis moaned into Xander's mouth as his hands wrapped around the larger man's broad neck. The two lovers continued the heated exchange until they heard somebody clear their throat. They pulled away slowly, knowing it could only be Damien. The Hispanic man walked into the kitchen where his two lovers were and pecked both of their cheeks.

"What a beautiful welcome home," Damien teased, and the other two laughed with him.

"Food is almost ready, babe. How was work?" Xander asked.

"Amazing! Damien got parole—they gave him two weeks before he gets out, and Jamal should be having his emergency delivery sometime this week," Damien disclosed. Adonis beamed at the news, as if it were his lover getting out of prison all over again. He knew the feeling because when it was almost time for Xander to be released, he was jittery with nerves and excitement. He was happy for Jamal; that boy had been through so much.

"That's amazing! They put you on escort duty?" Adonis asked, and Damien nodded, as expected. Ever since the warden found out he was friends with Hector, he always had him for security detail for important things.

"We need to go see Jamal tomorrow; neither of us has been there for two days now," Xander stated, his thumb softly moving up and down on Adonis's hip.

"Yeah, because you two wanted to hold me hostage in the fucking bedroom. Thank God I go back to work soon," Adonis sassed.

"You're the one that wanted our full attention, remember? You begged for it; now it's like we held you hostage," Damien laughed, pecking Adonis's lips softly. The taller man melted into the kiss before he managed to pull away.

"Whatever! I stand by what I said," he sulked. Xander let go of his lover, stepping away slightly to give Adonis and Damien space. He walked over to the food to check if anything had burned, and it was safe.

"Hmm, I think I'm going to work on opening my food truck," Xander blurted out loud. He wanted to be his own boss, and he loved cooking. Why not put two and two together? He wouldn't expect his lovers to quit their jobs and help him; he might hire two people to assist him, start small then get big. He hated working on other people's time. Being his own boss meant more money and more time with his lovers.

"You know I was actually thinking about that," Adonis said. "I think you should! Cooking is your calling," he added.

"I agree; your food always leaves me satisfied and happy. I would love to help you," Damien interjected.

"Yeah, Pa, just like how you're helping me get my baby, we're going to help you achieve your dreams," Adonis reassured. A burden lifted from Xander's shoulders; he could breathe normally now that he knew his lovers approved of his dreams.

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