Part 4.3

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Hey yall! New chapter, please answer my questions below, it'll help me a lot.I love yall.

To help with the comments, add a list of kinks you want to see me try to write about, could be for this book or my one shots.

One more thing, would yall mind if a put a pause on writing about Xander,Damien, and Adonis as a side couple? Kinda regret kinda giving them a side storyline. Now I want the whole book to be just Jamal and Hector with just little mentions of the other three. It's up to yall though, lmk what yall think.

80 comments pls if yall love me!

Today was the day. After months of waiting, planning, and gathering materials, it was finally Hector's hearing. Jamal and his makeshift family had planned to make it a mini celebration. Everyone who could make it was scheduled to be at the hospital. Nita had called off work, along with Xander and Damien. Adonis already had the day off, so he didn't need to worry about that. The warden would be accompanying Hector. From what Jamal had been briefed, he would not get a chance to speak during the hearing. Only Hector and the warden would have the opportunity to speak, and everything else would be communicated through the carefully written letters.

Anxiety rushed over Jamal as he lay in his bed, waiting for his family. Nita needed to bring his iPad from home so he wasn't able to tune into the hearing just yet. Frustrated, Jamal got out of bed, attempting to find something to busy himself. He picked up pillows, cups, anything out of place, repositioning them or disposing of them as needed. Relocating to the back of his hospital bed, Jamal started repacking his belongings. His nerves were getting the best of him, and he didn't know exactly how to keep himself busy. Jamal's cleaning fest was soon cut short when he heard his room door open.

"Mr. Clark, how are you today?" He heard the voice of one of the attendings on his floor. Looking up, Jamal saw a fleet of doctors and nurses coming in, likely for their rounds.

"Hi, Dr. Sanchez. I'm doing okay, just trying to make it," Jamal chuckled. "How are you? And hi, everybody," he greeted, receiving smiles and waves from the others behind the main attending.

"I'm doing great today! I have some good news for you, and I wanted to check up on you, get some vitals and an ultrasound on file," Dr. Sanchez shared, introducing his new residents. Jamal nodded understandingly.

"Let me hear the good news then, please. Lord knows I need it right now," Jamal said, trying to lighten the atmosphere, his right hand tracing up to rub his stomach.

"Right! So, we have a specialist coming in tomorrow for your c-section. I'm sure you remember Dr. Parker, your OB/GYN? She'll be back here later this evening to help prep you. I'll recommend making accommodations for clothes you want to bring for the babies because we will have them in the NICU for a while since they will be almost 3 months ahead of schedule," the doctor informed Jamal. He smiled widely, overwhelmed by the good news.

"Oh, that's great! Thank you all so much. Yeah, whatever tests you need to run, go ahead. I'm all for it," Jamal stated, nodding his head in agreement.

"Great! Let's get you back in bed. I'll get one of the nurses in here to check your vitals, and we can do an ultrasound," Dr. Sanchez said. Jamal complied and hurried back into bed. Four of the resident doctors left the room, leaving only one with the attending. A nurse wheeled in a machine to check his vitals. Jamal smiled at the blonde woman that walked in, and she reciprocated his smile as she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around his right arm and attached the pulse oximeter to his right pointer finger.

Making small talk with the health practitioners in the room while waiting, Jamal listened as the doctor informed him, "Your blood pressure is elevated, but that's to be expected. Pulse is good. We're going to do one last ultrasound, and then we'll leave you to relax. We'll let you know when the specialist is here so you can talk to them before surgery." Jamal nodded, pondering the unexpected turn of events and the impending arrival of his children, months earlier than expected, while their father was still incarcerated.

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