Part 3.8

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I miss you all so so so much! I'm excited to be back writing!

*Shout out to the people that helped me with the names I put in this chapter! I asked a couple months ago and y'all helped so much! I'm sorry I don't have y'all @'s in here, if you suggested a name comment and I'll @ you!

Omniscient p.o.v

The moment the warden saw Jamal, he stood up from behind his desk to give Jamal a hug. A part of him was still shocked to see the 6-month pregnant bump. He trusted that Hector and Jamal were being honest with him, but a small part of his mind didn't completely trust it; a pregnant male was very rare, about a 1 in 100 chance, and for him to know somebody that carried that gene was a little hard to believe.

"Jamal, I never thought I would see you back here again," the warden joked, pulling away from the hug. Jamal simply laughed, his hand going back to rubbing his bump.

Hector stood in the back, watching the interaction, examining. Hector looked at Jamal, taking in his features. He noticed that Jamal's nose has gotten bigger, his hips wider, his arms thicker, his skin glowing immensely. He felt butterflies in his stomach looking at his lover.

Hector shook his head, trying to clear his mind and live in the moment. He's been working on that since Jamal left. "Old man, step back now you too close to him." Hector scoffed jokingly. The warden ducked his teeth and held up his middle finger at the light-skinned man.

"Remember I'm the one trying to get you out." Was the warden's snarky reply. Jamal couldn't help but laugh at the interaction.

"And thank you so much for that." Jamal interjected before Hector could reply. He sent a bed glare to Hector, telling him to shut up, but to Hector, it looked like Jamal was just pouting cutely at him.

"You are more than welcome; I'm happy for you two. Babies are a blessing!" The warden smiled, walking back to his seat. Hector walked up and pulled a chair out for Jamal to sit down before he headed to the seat next to him.

"Thank you again. I'm excited for them to get here; it's getting harder every day to even walk. I am huge for only being 6 months." Jamal sighed. Hector sensed the smaller's distress and expertly rubbed his lover's back. The warden sat back and watched the interaction in awe. Who would have thought putting the two together as cell mates would bring about such a beautiful relationship.

"I hear you. I'm working hard to get that boy out so he can help you out there. I can't imagine what you're going through. I know it's only you out there right now and in your condition, I know it's not easy." The warden sighed.

"Thank you," Jamal smiled sadly, looking up at Hector, melting into his embrace.

"Currently, Hector's hearing is scheduled for the next 3 weeks. It will be a bit hard since he doesn't have a lawyer, but it is not impossible. The letters, DNA testing, doctor's note, ultrasounds, and you being at the hearing will help. I'm advocating for you two on my end." Hector couldn't help the smile that crawled on his face.

"Hector's parole period will be much longer. He will be under strict rules, but he will be out, so it's a plus regardless." The warden concluded.

"Thank you, old man," Hector cheesed.

"Stop calling me that boy," Warden rolled his eyes. He still held a smile on his face, showing that the name didn't bother him. "That's all I had to share with y'all. I'll let you have your alone time. If it's okay with Jamal, I can give you two the night since I kept you here longer than expected, and visitation hours end soon."

"I can spend the night?" Jamal asked, a smile on his face.

"Yes, until the end of visitation hours tomorrow evening. How does that sound?" The warden asked.

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