Part 3.1

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A/N: We're here! Chapter one is out; please comment and vote.


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August 27th, 2019

Omniscient p.o.v

Almost three months had passed since Jamal's release. Hector took the separation hard; despite talking every day, the connection felt different for him. The coldness of his cell, previously absent even in winter, mirrored the chill in his heart.

Hector, once ruthless and aggressive, now navigated a heightened level of agitation. He conversed only with Damien, Jamal, and the warden, having lost his confidant Xander upon his release. Damien observed Hector's struggle and alerted the warden, aiming to find a solution.

Jamal, grappling with pregnancy, faced both physical and emotional challenges. Nita, a constant support, assisted him through parole, adapting to the high-class Manhattan lifestyle orchestrated by Hector. The aroma of laundry detergent now irked Jamal, and even food triggered nausea, signaling the reality of his impending parenthood.

In the early hours, Jamal reached out to Hector via FaceTime. Hector, still adjusting to a different routine behind bars, greeted him with a deep, tired voice.

"Good morning, baby boy," Hector's voice sounded deep and tired. Jamal assumed he woke him up.

"Good morning, daddy. I'm sorry I woke you up. I just thought that you would be up at this time," Jamal ranted. Jamal heard Hector chuckle through the phone.

"You're fine, beautiful. I just overslept today. How are you?" Hector asked, throwing the thin blankets off his body. Hector now sleeps on Jamal's bunk. It reminds him of his lover.

"I'm okay, still throwing up," Jamal mumbled, staring into the camera. Hearing that brought a smile to Hector's face. Jamal told Hector about his symptoms two weeks ago. Jamal was scared to go to the doctor because his condition wasn't ordinary. There aren't too many men that get pregnant. It's considered rare.

"I told you I knew what I was doing," Hector said, licking his lips. Jamal just laughed. He believed Hector. The way he made sure they had sex almost every day until he had to leave.

"Yes, you were right," Jamal laughed, his laughing slowly vaulted. He looked at his screen to see Hector staring at him. Jamal saw the grey brick walls behind him and frowned. He couldn't believe at one point he was in there as well. His heart broke that Hector was still stuck there.

"Baby, fix that frown. I can see it from here," Hector said, moving the phone closer to his face.

"I'm sorry, I just miss you so much," Jamal pouted, his hand on his stomach. His stomach wasn't noticeable at first glance, but it was slowly forming. His abs were no longer noticeable.

"I miss you too, baby boy, soon though. Right?" Hector asked. Jamal nodded his head wearily. "Lemme see my baby real quick. They finna come in." Hector stated.

Jamal rolled his eyes, pushing the covers off himself to reveal his stomach and his briefs. He wishes he had taken any of Hector's T-shirts. He missed Hector's smell, Hector's arms around him. He missed everything.

"You always wanna talk to my belly but not me," Jamal pouted.

"I'm sorry, baby. I love you, but I need to speak to my son too." Hector yawned.

"Your daughter actually, but okay," Jamal corrected.

"Good morning, daddy's baby," Hector cooed. "Jamal. Rub your hand on your belly for me," Hector sulked. He was angry that he couldn't do it himself, but it was what it was. Jamal did as told.

"Daddy misses you. I love you so much. I can't wait till you get big," Hector stayed rubbing his beard. He can't wait till he comes out to see his baby.

"Daddy's baby loves you too," Jamal mumbled. Jamal pulled the phone away from his stomach and towards his face.

"I love you, Daddy. Please stay safe and be careful. It's almost six, and I know roll call will start soon," Jamal said his goodbyes. Hector pouted, sad that they had to cut their conversation short.

"I love you too, baby boy. Tell my son I love him too. We'll talk later today. I'll call you," Hector smiled. Jamal leaned down to peck his camera. Hector did the same. They shared their goodbyes, and Hector hung up.

Jamal sighed, frustrated. He couldn't keep living the life he lived. Three months felt like three years. He hates saying goodbye to Hector, and he hates that he can't even hold Hector. He rubbed his belly softly. Jamal decided he should take a pregnancy test soon to confirm. Then he'll let Nita know.

Jamal laid down, dozing off after a few minutes.

His sleep got interrupted an hour or so after by Nita walking in. "Jamal, baby, I got IHOP," she yelled. Jamal stirred awake and walked out to the kitchen, his hand on his hip.

"Morning, Nita," Jamal greeted, walking over to the fridge. He noticed a basket of flowers and fruits.

"Morning, I brought breakfast, and I saw this in front of your door again. Mr. Ignacio isn't giving up." Nita laughed. Jamal rolled his eyes, pulling out a jug of water.

Ignacio is the owner of this beautiful building they live in. Ignacio owns the penthouse at the top of the apartment, and the whole floor is his. Jamal lives right under Ignacio's floor, catching his eye the first month he was there. Ignacio asked Jamal out a few times, and every time Jamal denies, he sends gifts to his door.

It seems as if the man is trying to buy Jamal's love. He has yet to tell Hector about it because he knows how Hector can react. "He's so annoying, Nita. He thinks he can buy my love." The two laughed.

"Who knows, maybe you can use his money," Nita shrugged. Jamal scrunched up his face.

"Oh, I could never. Hector is all I need, and you know," Jamal said, pouring water into his cup. Nita smiled at the answer. Hector and Jamal are so cute to her. She's ecstatic that her brother found love.
A/N: WE'RE HERE!!! Let me know how you all feel!

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