Part 4.1

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Omniscient p.o.v

The next five days were treacherous. They moved Jamal to the 5th floor of the hospital; he had his own room with a door and everything. His friends constantly visited him to ensure everything was as okay as could be. Even the warden showed his face, which surprised Jamal, but he knew the warden cared for him. He was just expecting phone calls, but seeing the warden had him excited. He hated how messed up it was, but the warden was like a father figure for him.

The older white man was visibly shaken by the news of Jamal and Hector's loss. Jamal saw it in his eyes when he sobbed about the loss of one of his triplets. Nothing could have prepared the warden for the news. He visited almost every day for the five days Jamal had been checked into the hospital. Even when Jamal was sleeping, he was there working, knowing Hector couldn't be with Jamal, so he tried his hardest to be there.

Nita also came to visit every day. Sometimes she would even sleep there, and so would Adonis. Jamal was thankful that he had people like this in his life. He never imagined that his life would be going this way. A year and a half ago, the only people he had in his life were his gang members. Now he has his makeshift family, and he's pregnant! That's what he tells himself. Losing one of his children was painful, but he was grateful he still had two left. He was even more filled with gratitude that Hector didn't blame him for the passing of their child.

Hector hadn't been able to speak to Jamal frequently because the warden had been so present in Jamal's hospital room. They stuck to simple text messages, and sometimes Hector would send a voice message.

Hector hated that he wasn't by Jamal's side. He was angry and confused because, granted, they knew this journey would be difficult, but who would have expected that there would be a stillborn in their future? The older male was angry at himself for being so selfish and indulging in his inner thoughts. He thought the pregnancy would bring them closer, not thinking about anything else but ensuring that he and Jamal would have something together outside their cell doors.

Yes, Hector was sad about their child, but when he heard about Jamal bleeding, his mind didn't even go straight to the kids. It went to the man he's loved for over three years now. If the decision needed to be made either the kids or Jamal, he was picking Jamal without a thought. He knew that's not what Jamal wants though.

Hector was angry because he knows Jamal had been stressed, breaking up their arguments, the fight to get him on parole, and the additional stress of that landlord. Hector vowed to get rid of that man. He needed to be careful because he was trying to get out to be with Jamal, so doing anything now would cause him to be in there longer. But he will get that man. Be it two years from now or five, he was getting that man.

**Jamal's POV**

My eyes slowly opened, abruptly shutting due to the bright flash. I hate this hospital room. It's so bright, and the nurses keep coming in like they've never seen a pregnant man before. They would come in for little reasons, and I hated it.

I swear a redhead nurse came in here touching on the gloves holder, but I felt her stare on me the whole time. I almost wanted to say, 'girl, them gloves are full, what are you looking for?' But I bit my tongue. I had to be nice; they were helping me, and they have been helpful. I can't take that away from them.

I groaned, stretching as I slid up on the hospital bed. I looked around, hoping the room was empty. I wanted some time to myself—well, not really myself—just time to call Hector. Sadly, the room was not empty at all. The warden sat by the door on his computer, and Nita sat next to my bed, her head was on the bed, so I could safely assume she was asleep.

"Hi," I croaked, clearing my throat. My hands subconsciously rubbed my belly. Once I caught myself, I pulled it away quickly.

"How are you? I was about to make my way out but got an email I needed to respond to. Your sister over there fell asleep right after you," he laughed. I must have been asleep for a while.

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