Part 3.6

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A/N: How are y'all?
Omniscient p.o.v

"Hector, you're going to need a lawyer as well. I've sent everything I needed to send; we can't count on the warden for everything," Jamal said to his lover. He was currently lying in bed, his right hand slowly rubbing his stomach.

"I don't need no lawyer," Hector sucked his teeth, turning around in his bunk. The tension between the couple could be cut with a knife. The two were angry at each other for things neither of them could control. Hector was mad at Jamal because of the attention he's getting from Ignacio, and Jamal was mad at Hector because he was still in prison.

His stomach looked like it grew triple its size every day. Soon enough, Jamal knew he wouldn't be able to see his toes, nonetheless reach them. He knew it would be harder for him to function around the home; he regretted ever saying it was okay for Hector to get him pregnant. He thought he figured everything out, weighing out the pros and cons, but it seems he didn't do a good job at it.

"Yes, the fuck you do, Hector. Don't make this any more difficult than it has to be," Jamal seethed.

"Watch how you speak to me," Hector warned.

"Or what? You can't do nothing but stay locked up," Jamal sucked his teeth before hanging up. He threw his phone to the other side of the bed before huffing. He saw Hector calling him, blowing up his phone, but he chose not to answer.

He did DNA testing, got ultrasounds, wrote two letters, and sent them to the warden to add to Hector's appeal. However, getting a lawyer seems to be such a big deal for Hector. His hormones might have been getting the best of him, but Jamal was close to calling Ignacio to take his proposition. A strong dislike of Hector was growing in the dark skin man, and he didn't understand why.

He didn't get butterflies in his stomach when he thought about Hector anymore; he felt his chest clenching in anger and his body vibrating. He was about to be 5 and a half months, and he doesn't remember any part of his pregnancy so far. He didn't want the kids anymore; he tried his hardest to believe he wasn't pregnant. He even spoke to Adonis about not wanting the baby; it was too late to do anything about it.

Jamal even found it hard to see Nita because she reminded him of Hector. They still text each other almost every day, but Jamal always found excuses as to why Nita couldn't come over. The dark-skinned man sighed, picking up his phone.

He shakily clicked on Hector's contact; after two rings, the man picked up. The two didn't say anything on the phone for a minute or two before Jamal broke the silence.

"Hector, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you. Right in this instant, I hate you," Jamal said. A second after he finished his sentence, the FaceTime beeps were blaring in his room. Hector was trying to FaceTime him.

He took a deep breath before picking up, "you hate me?" Hector asked. His voice void of emotions, in his mind though he was angry, confused, heartbroken.

"I feel like you got the easy way out. I'm out here by myself pregnant. You're in there with no other responsibilities, and it makes me angry," Jamal said. He wasn't thinking straight; he knew for a fact his hormones were getting the best of him now.

"I have the easy way out?" Hector scoffed. "I'm away from my family, from you; I understand it's hard for you, but I'm struggling as well. We both agreed to go through with this. It's not fair that you're putting the blame on me. I heard you got somebody out there; is that where your doubt coming from? You could just say that instead of giving me bogus ass reasons," Hector said. Jamal couldn't look in the camera.

"I don't have a nigga out here. I only want you and only you, but this pregnancy shit is painful, Hector. I don't want it anymore; I can't even look at myself in the mirror because I don't want to look at my stomach. I want you here with me, but you're making it so hard for me to do that; you don't even want to hire a fucking lawyer to get you out faster. Meanwhile, I put myself at risk getting a ducking DNA test. It's just not fair," Jamal cried.

"I'm trying too, yo. I get it; you're pregnant, but you not the only one struggling, Jamal. Don't piss me off; this whole conversation is stressing me out because why do I always have to baby you and give you reassurance?!" Hector yelled.

"If you don't wanna do it no more, fine. This relationship or whatever the fuck it is is over. Don't call me about nothing if it ain't for my kids because I'm tired of this everyday crying shit like you some victim. Suck my dick," Hector concluded before hanging up. Jamal gasped, hearing what Hector said; it didn't register in his head until he felt his hand shaking.

Leave your thoughts here as always! Let me know how you feel about Hector and Jamal and how they handled this situation.

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