Part 3.5

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A/N: Leave your thoughts as always.

How have y'all been?
Omniscient p.o.v

Jamal sat in his cozy living area, surrounded by the soft glow of ambient lights, contemplating the words for the heartfelt email he planned to send to the warden. The room's warmth contrasted with the weight on his shoulders as he sought the delicate balance between a touching plea and a subtle intimidation.

"Triplets," he murmured to himself, rubbing his protruding belly. Ever since the revelation of expecting triplets, Jamal had delved into the intricacies of the parole system, searching for ways to expedite Hector's release.

While he had the support of Nita, Damien, Xander, and Adonis, a void lingered without Hector by his side. Aware of the risks of his rare pregnancy, Jamal wanted Hector present to share the responsibility. Research unveiled possibilities within the parole system – the potential to expedite release with a flawless prison record and influential letters. Another avenue involved Hector applying for release based on his crucial role at home. Before discussing it with Hector, Jamal aimed to gauge the warden's response.

"Come on, you can do this," he encouraged himself, fingers tapping the keys as he typed the heartfelt email. The inclusion of ultrasound images served as both a personal touch and evidence of the unique circumstances surrounding his pregnancy. The warden, in some ways a paternal figure, would hopefully find resonance in the shared joy of impending parenthood.

Post-email, Jamal reclined on his comfortable couch, the serenity disrupted by his phone's ring. Answering with a tired greeting, he expected Hector's voice on the other end.

"Hello," he said groggily, the anticipation evident in his voice.

"The door, come open it," Adonis spoke up from the other end. Jamal got up, his steps slow but purposeful, and walked to the front door. The sight that greeted him – a bouquet adorned with $100 bills – was both unexpected and bizarre.

"Come in, come in. You guys didn't have to get me this," Jamal rambled, inviting the trio inside. He gave each of the men a hug and peck on their cheeks.

"Oh, we didn't," Adonis laughed. "It was in front of your door when we came."

Jamal rolled his eyes. "Put it back there, please. It's from that weirdo." Adonis scoffed and rushed back to the door, complying with Jamal's request.

"Babe, You're going to have to tell Hector soon. This is getting out of hand," Adonis sighed, concern etched on his face. Damien and Xander walked over to the kitchen to stock the fridge and the pantry.

"What am I telling him going to do? He can't do anything. He's stuck in prison," Jamal replied, his frustration palpable. He didn't mean for it to come out so aggressive. He was not angry but rather frustrated – frustrated that Hector wasn't with him, frustrated that Hector was still stuck in prison, and frustrated that he was pregnant without Hector by his side.

"Oh baby, come here," Adonis sighed, opening his arms. Jamal walked into the hug, a sob escaping his lips as he hugged Adonis tighter.

"This is so hard, Adonis. I-I don't think I can keep doing this," the shorter man cried. Damien and Xander heard the loud cries and left to check on the two men in the living room.

"What's wrong?" Xander asked, getting closer to the two men. Damien followed. Jamal paid them no mind and continued to cry. Adonis shot Xander and Damien a look and tilted his head, signaling them to get back in the kitchen. The men got the hint; however, they didn't go into the kitchen. They stayed a feet apart to give them some space.

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