Part 4.6

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Jamal was woken up the following day after hectors parole hearing around 11AM. The specialist was finally in the building and he wanted to have a consultation with Jamal before the surgery. Around 11 Hector was suppose to be back in his cell so Jamal called him while he waited for the doctor to come in.

"Good morning daddy," Jamal groggily greeted as he got up to go take care of his hygiene.

"Morning baby, you just woke up?" Hector asked staring at the screen.

"Yea," Jamal replied yawning. He entered the bathroom opening his hygiene bag and taking out his toothbrush.

"Ohh okay, you ain't hear from the doctors?" Hector asked concerned. Jamal shook his head beginning to brush his teeth. He wasn't worried, they were suppose to come in a few hours and he wasn't feeling sick or dizzy so he didn't mind.

Jamal brushed his teeth listening to hectors humming. After he finished and rinsed his mouth. "You wanna keep me company while I shower? " Jamal asked with a chestier grin on his face.

"Don't start no shit you can't finish" Hector laughed. But reluctantly agreed to keep his boyfriend company.

The shower was quick, well it felt quick the couple talked about any and everything. Jamal shared that he couldn't wait to get home to use his own shower because the hospital shower was disgusting.

As Jamal was drying his body he heard a knock on his door.

"Baby that might be the doctor" Jamal shared, relieved.

"Mmm, go see puss" Hector encouraged.

Jamal hurriedly dried himself and picked up a fresh gown from the little closet the hospital provides. He told Hector to not be ignorant while the doctor spoke, if it was the doctor.

Jamal opened the door and to his relief it was a doctor, a new one with his old one. "Hi!" Jamal chirped suddenly feeling shy.

"Hello Mr. Clark. I'm Dr. Williams. I'm sort it took me so long to get here" the tall white man charmingly smiled at Jamal. To be frank he was very attractive. Jamal was taken out his bubble by Hector humming.

"Oh it's okay! Thank you for being here" he greeted letting space for the Doctors to come in.

"Okay, we scheduled for the surgery to be 4pm, that's in about 5 hours. Before then I need to run some more tests on you. We will have you monitored as well as have the babies in the NICU until we see fit for them to go home with you. Are you okay with that?" Dr.Williams asked.

"Hell yea he okay with that" Hector piped in. Jamal laughed lowering the volume.

"Hector shut your ass up." Jamal whispered. "Yes I'm okay with that! I need them out today! I want to see my babies" Jamal continued smiling at the doctors.

"Okay!, I'll be back here in 30 minutes and we'll begin prepping you for surgery"  the doctor said saying their goodbyes before leaving Hector and Jamal to themselves.

"Well. I was excited but I'm nervous now" Jamal said. His anxiety spiking, he was released to have his babies out but that would mean the reality of one of their children's death is true, and who knows how the other two would be outside his womb they are premature at the end of the day. He doesn't know how he's going to be throughout surgery if he'll be okay. It's a lot of unknowns and he was definitely starting to feel it.

"I'm nervous too baby. But I have faith in the doctors, you're going to be okay. I love you" Hector shared trying to lift the mood but he knows when Jamal starts thinking it's no turning back.

"Yea, right" Jamal whispered walking to sit back down on his bad.

"You think they're going to put me under?" Jamal asked nervously.

"I think they ask you that baby. Do you want to be put under?" Jamal redirected the question back to his lover.

"Yes. I'm scared" Jamal mumbled.

"I know puss. Then tell them out you under. You'll be okay, just think in a couple hours you'll see our babies and in a week and a half you'll see me. Try to think of the happy things right now" Hector tried to comfort his lover.

"That's easier said than done" Jamal huffed.

"I know that too puss. You got this though." As Hector finished his sentence a knock came through the door.

"Come in" Jamal yelled. A nurse came in with a cart smiling.

"Hi, I'll be helping you get ready for surgery. I have some forms for you to sign and I'll help you with cleaning. After I'll call patient transport and I'll accompany them to escort you down to the OR. I'm nurse Annalise by the way" Annalise smiled.

"Oh okay, that's fine. Nice to meet you I'm Jamal, and you might hear noises that's my boyfriend. Is it okay to have him on the phone during prep?" Jamal asked.

"Yes that's completely fine. Let's get started love"


Sorry this short and unedited. I love yall will try to push out another chapter tomorrow. Or just make this longer.

Will edit later

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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