Part 3.4

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Omniscient p.o.v

"Yes, that's what he told me. Then, I asked him if he would still do it, and he said he wouldn't," Damien debriefed in the car on their way home from work. Adonis sat in the car in disbelief, having heard the arguments last night but not connecting the dots.

"So he came up to you and said he wants to start selling again? That's it? He just got out." Adonis tsked. Damien nodded, turning into their driveway.

"Yes, I know. He said he wouldn't do it but talk to him, let him know you're not feeling the idea either, so he stops for real." Damien added slowly, parking the car. Adonis, aware of Xander's hard-headed nature, rolled his eyes. Xander had made Damien cry, and Adonis couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry, baby, I will," Adonis nodded. He leaned over and pecked Damien's lips. The two men gathered their belongings and made their way home. The house smelled incredible. Xander was in there cooking up a feast, his way of apologizing to his lovers.

Yesterday wasn't Xander's finest moment. He didn't know what took over him, but it did. Money hunger got the best of him. It wasn't that he needed money right that instant; he had plenty saved up. But he felt embarrassed that he even brought the idea to Damien.

People said it was hard to get out of the drug game once you're in, and Xander was feeling the weight of that truth. The routine and the feeling he got from selling became all he knew. Breaking away from the habit was not easy. However, seeing Damien cry led him to believe that, no matter what, he had to break out of the habit.

Xander went shopping to try and please his lovers. He bought them gifts and went grocery shopping to cook for them.

Adonis walked to the kitchen first, seeing Xander setting up the dining table. He walked behind the larger man and hugged him.

"That smells amazing, Xander," Adonis moaned.

"Xander?" The larger man asked, finding it weird to be called by his name, as it wasn't his actual name. It just didn't feel 'normal' for them.

"Yes, the food smells amazing," Adonis laughed, letting go of the Brownskin man. Damien stood by the counter, sneaking in pieces of the BBQ chicken Xander made.

"Damien, what the fuck," Xander groaned once he saw Damien eating the food. The light-skinned man shrugged before walking over to his lover. Damien pecked Xander on his cheek before dragging Adonis along to go change.

"See, he knows he's wrong because why is his ass cooking," Adonis gossiped as he and Damien made their way upstairs. The larger of the two laughed.

"He's wrong as hell. Make sure you let him know he was stupid as fuck for even bringing it up. I already said my piece," Damien laughed. The two men changed and headed back down.

Xander had set the dining table with different kinds of foods from Italian to Mexican to American dishes, trying his best to show that he was sorry for his actions.

Xander was already sitting at the table with a defeated look on his face. Damien and Adonis washed their hands and joined Xander at the table.

"Thank you for the food, baby," Damien smiled. Xander cleared his throat.

"Yes, I wanted it to be part of my apology. Yesterday, I put you in an uncomfortable position, Damien. I reflected on it, and I understand that I shouldn't have even suggested going back to selling, nor do I need to." Xander said his attention on Damien.

Adonis nodded his head. "And you weren't gonna tell me about your bright idea because you knew I would have gladly told you about yourself." Adonis injected, picking up a wing. Xander sucked his teeth, and Damien laughed.

"Anyway," Xander said, shooting Adonis a stern look, telling him to shut up. "I'm sorry I even asked, baby. I mean what I said when I said I won't do it. We can focus on building us and making sure Adonis gets custody of Psolana," he finished.

Adonis smiled, planning to go in on Xander. However, he could see that the man regretted his actions, trusting that Xander would be a man of his word.

"I forgive you, Papa," Damien smiled. He got off his seat to peck Xander's forehead; however, Xander captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Adonis sat across from his two lovers, slowly getting turned on.

The kiss soon turned heated, and Xander's grip on Damien's neck tightened. Adonis couldn't help the moan that slipped past his lips. The two muscular men pulled away from the heated kiss. Their dazed eyes landed on the sexually frustrated man in front of them.

"Sorry, baby boy," Damien laughed before walking back to his seat. Xander bit his lip, watching the two men. He knew he was getting a happy ending after; he just knew it.


The tension in the house could be cut with a knife, the majority of it coming from Xander. The larger man sat in the living room, legs spread wide open, just staring at his two lovers from across the room.

One thing about Xander's eye contact, it almost feels as if he's fucking the life out of you. Damien was able to fight the feeling, but Adonis couldn't. The dark-skinned man moved around in his seat, flustered.

"Adonis, come here," Damien instructed. Adonis followed instructions and climbed onto Damien's lap.

"Baby, I feel," Adonis whimpered. Damien caressed Adonis's face, the slender man kneading into the larger man's hand.

"I know baby, I'll help you soon, can you do me a favor first?" Damien asked. Adonis quickly nodded his head.

"Go over to Xander and give him the best head he ever had. I'll eat you out if you do it for me." Damien smiled at the horny boy on his lap. Without a word, Adonis got off Damien's lap and hastily walked over to Xander.

They had a long night ahead.

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