Part 3.9

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Omniscient p.o.v

"Xander, I packed lunch for you; it's in the microwave. Please finish getting ready so we can leave. I'm not tryna be late for my shift again," Damien stressed while lotioning up his body.

"I can't get a good morning kiss?" Xander asked, his arms wrapped around a sleeping Adonis, one hand on his ass. Damien didn't bother turning around; he looked at his lover through the mirror and sucked his teeth. He knows Xander too well; that one kiss will turn into something it shouldn't.

"Fuck is you sucking your teeth for?" Xander frowned.

"I'm not stupid, papi. You know I have to get going," he said, pulling up his briefs.

"What that got to do with my morning kiss? Damien, nobody playing with you," Xander said softly, moving Adonis out of his hold and placing a pillow in his arms. The taller man wasted no time cuddling with the pillow and readjusting himself.

Xander got off the bed and walked straight to Damien. "First of all, I'm not kissing you dookie breath. You ain't even brushed your teeth yet," Damien rolled his eyes, moving around Xander to pick up his work uniform. The large man said nothing; he stood there watching Damien. He nodded his head and turned towards their shared bathroom. He also has work; however, he has a few hours to spend. He wanted to be out when he was locked up, but he realized how much time he was able to spend with his boyfriends when he was locked up. Now it's hard to have one-on-one time; everybody's work schedule can be so different at times.

Xander brushed his teeth calmly and went back inside the bedroom. He saw Adonis still sleeping and Damien fixing up his uniform. He walked over to the Dominican man and pulled him into his embrace. Xander swooped down and captured Damien's lips in a sweet morning kiss. The Hispanic man melted into the kiss, almost forgetting he had places to be.

"Good morning, baby doll," Xander mumbled against Damien's lips.

"Good morning, papi," Damien mumbled, biting his lip.

"What time you coming home today?" Xander asked, his hands on Damien's ass, giving it an occasional squeeze.

"By 3:00 to 3:30," Damien answered, caressing Xander's cheeks.

"I'll be back by 8 or 9," Xander mumbled, almost angry at the fact that they'll be away for so long. He already knew Adonis was going to have a late-night shift, which frustrates him to no end.

"Let's have a date night this weekend; I'm off work," Xander suggested, laying his chin on top of Damien's head, hugging his lover closer.

"I would love that, but I think Adonis works this weekend." Xander moved his head frustrated.

"Bro. This working shit is beyond ridiculous. We don't ever get time together," Xander grunted.

"Calm down; we have to make time for ourselves, okay? I know it's frustrating. Next week, we'll plan when we work so we empty blocks around the same time," Damien reassured. Xander's shoulders dropped. It was only Thursday; they had a long weekend ahead. Damien leaned up and kissed Xander again, this time more passionately. Xander's hand slowly reaches to grab Damien's ass, but the shorter man held his hands and fought them away.

"Mnh," Damien moshed in the kiss, using a good chunk of his strength to keep Xander's hand away from his body. Adonis stared awake and witnessed the scene in front of him. He held back a laugh, watching Damien's struggle.

"Good morning," Adonis mumbled. The two dominant men pulled apart, a trail of spit attached to their lips. Damien let go of Xander's arms and turned to Adonis.

"Good morning," Xander and Damien hummed almost in unison.

"Y'all having an eventful morning huh," Adonis asked, walking towards the bathroom. He had a small grin on his face. He loved watching his two lovers bond. Damien rolled his eyes because he knew exactly what Adonis meant. The slender male lover teasing him about how he acted around Xander. It was a little inside joke of theirs.

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