Part 4.2

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Jamal's POV

Now, don't get me wrong, but I assumed that once I let the nurse know that I wanted to do the c-section, it would happen almost immediately. Yet, here I am almost a week later, sitting in my hospital room. The walls felt like they were closing in on me, and I despised being here.

Thankfully, the warden's constant visits stopped two days ago, so Hector and I have been on the phone constantly. We even sleep on the phone like love-obsessed teenagers.

The reason I'm still here waiting for my surgery is that, according to the doctors, they need a specialist trained in male pregnancy and delivery to perform my c-section. Not to indulge in main character syndrome, but I honestly didn't think they would be in such high demand. They mentioned they could get one to the hospital in the next two weeks, though the date wasn't certain.

The doctors and nurses assigned to me provided around-the-clock care to ensure I was stable and no other complications occurred, and thankfully, everything went smoothly.

I was irritated that Hector's hearing was in two days, and I would have to join from my hospital bed, but maybe that would pull some heartstrings. To be honest, everything we've had to do up to now was pulling heartstrings, but it's been working in our favor, so why stop now?

Adonis, Damien, and Xander have been spoiling me. Never have I had to eat hospital food because they order me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They bring me pillows—I love pillows. In fact, I collect pillows. No, I'm not in the business of needing to hear how weird of a hobby it is; I just love being comfortable and how pretty some of them are.

My room is full of gifts and balloons. I love my family; truly. I stretched on the bed, rubbing my stomach. My other two are still very active; occasionally, they have a stomp fest or move around, but they're okay. The doctors ran a couple of tests to ensure they would be okay.

I also learned that my triplets weren't all in the same sac. I had two different sacs, so two of my babies were in one sac—they would be twins—and my other is in another sac all by themselves. The one by themselves is the one I lost. The doctor told me that she wasn't as strong as the others, and even if she did get carried to term, she probably wouldn't have made it. So it was inevitable that my baby would be gone. I didn't want to know the sex of my other two, though.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I looked to see it was a FaceTime call from Hector. I smiled immediately, picking up the call. I pushed up on my bed, smiling. "Hi, handsome," I said when his face popped up on the screen.

"Hi, baby," his voice was deep and smooth. I smiled in the camera, watching him. "Smiling so hard, you weren't expecting my call?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes, huffing a little. "No, it's a little too early for your call. But I'm happy," I reassured him.

"I can see that." Hector chuckled, laying down. I noticed he was on the bottom bunk, the bunk that used to be mine. Memories of us together came back to me; I had to blink away the tears. I was extremely emotional lately.

"How are you?" I asked; he looked good, but his eyes were red, his under eyes extremely dark. Anyone could notice that he hasn't been sleeping; it's been tough on him, I know it has.

"Fuck, I should be asking you that," Hector mumbled, using his free hand to aggressively wipe his face. That's a habit he can never break; whenever he's stressed, he does that. I'm surprised he doesn't get any pimples from all that aggressive rubbing.

"It's okay, I have to make sure you're good too, baby," I reassured him. He worries me. Hector always makes sure I'm good, granted I'm a bit more needy than him, but he always takes charge. Even while he's not here with me, he has control. His wall never crumbles, but today, looking at him, I can tell he's exhausted.

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