Sweet Dreams

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A/N: Dedicated to my bestie for passing candy crush level 500


"(Y/N), I have to do this. It's not my choice, it's my duty." He finally said.

"I know... but can't you come back every once in a while to visit?" 

Obanai sighed.

"One day, when I finish my quest, I will come back, (Y/N), because I know that someday in the future I will see you again because we're soulmates."

"Soulmates?" I asked hesitantly.

Obanai flushed. "Well, only if you want to be..." He said uncertainly. I smiled, nodding. "Well, even if you had said no, I would've found you in the next life and so on, pestering you until you said yes." He teased, twirling a lock of my hair.

"(Y/N), I like you."

"I like you too, Obanai..."

With those words, he cupped my face and slowly leaned in. Everything about him was so perfect. His smile held so much warmth, so much that they overflowed into his eyes. His hair fell across his forehead. Just as I reached up a hand to brush away those loose strands of hair, I accidentally leaned forward, suddenly falling against his face. 

Our foreheads touched, and so did our lips.

The touch only lasted a few seconds, but felt like several hours. 

His lips tasted like the last traces of autumn winds. So fleeting, so quick, so beautiful... before the winter came and swept it away, withering all traces of the orange and red that was once there.

Everything that had happened in those moments was a cloudy haze of memories.

One minute, I had been happily sleeping in Obanai's arms, and in the next he had left, as if nothing had happened at all.

The next morning, I'd woken up lonely and miserable, all alone.

For the next few years, I seldom talked to anyone.



hi everyone! my s/o recently broke up with me, so i'm really sad right now. i might not be posting as often, probably just pre-written chapters ! dont worry tho, i will come back for everyone here because i love you all sm ! <3

also, would any of you read about smt that isn't demon slayer, if so, what? i have some ideas in mind, wondering about what you all think >3< dw, i'll still post on this fanfic bc i still love kny ! 

- ur love, catthy (jk)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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