Memories (Part two?)

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It was a quiet night. Maple leaves fell onto the ground beside a small and cozy looking cottage located beside a small stream. Inside the cottage, three figures sat down at the dinner table. One had (H/L) (H/C) hair with bright eyes filled with wonder and joy. Her smile could've lighted up the whole world. The second was a young boy who's hair fell down to his shoulders in short, smooth, waves. His unique eyes gazed around the room, seemingly lost before landing on the young girl. The third person was an older man, with greying hair but the kindest smile. They ate in silence without a word, but shared a deep connection with each other.

Young (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I watched as grandpa and Nai-chan slowly finished their dinner, I giggled to myself as I thought of the new nickname I'd given to to Obanai earlier this morning. "What's so funny (Y/N)-chan?" Obanai asked hesitantly, probably knowing the answer. This just made me laugh even more as I launched into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. "Nai-chan!" I managed to wheeze out through my fit of giggles. I thought I saw the tips of Nai-chain's ears turn red. Grandpa just laughed heartedly. I joined in, bursting into yet another fit of giggles.

I stood on a stool near the sink, washing the dishes with Nai-chan. "Hey Obanai's-ni~ wanna go catch some pwetty butterflies later?!"

As he looked at her hopeful expression, how could he say no? "Sure (Y/N)-chan, let's go catch some pretty blue ones huh?"

Together they ran off into the forest hand in hand, smiles gracing both their faces.


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