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(Y/N)'s POV:

The day I met Obanai was a crisp, autumn's day. Maple leaves were dancing around the small wood cottage my grandfather, the former Serpent pillar resided in. At the time, I was only a chubby seven year old coming to visit my grandfather.

I remember Obanai was sitting on top of the old maple tree in the yard. When I met him, he was only nine. Twelve years have past since then, and I sometimes wonder if he still remembers me...

12 years ago, at (Y/N)'s grandfather's cottage:

"Grandpa!!! I came to visit you!!!" (Y/N) excitedly shouted to her grandfather.

"(Y/N), I'm so glad you were able to come." The old man replied. "But I hope you don't mind that someone else is also here, alright (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) had stared and asked, "Who?" And that's when she noticed Obanai for the first time.

Obanai had been sitting cross-legged on a tree branch above (Y/N)'s head.

He'd stared at (Y/N) with those mismatched eyes, and then, given the tiniest smile behind his bandages.

"This is Iguro Obanai, (Y/N)." (Y/N)'s grandfather said to her. "He's training to become a demon slayer, (Y/N)." "Humm... Whats a demon slayer?" "A demon slayer is someone who'll protect all of us from demons, (Y/N)." "So, will Obanai-nee protect me too?!?" Obanai smiled and said, "Of course."

A few weeks after meeting:

"Obanai-kun!" (Y/N) called out running as fast as her chubby legs could take her.

"Ah! (Y/N)-chan!" Obanai said as he bumped into her. "Obanai-nee, let's go catch butterflies!" (Y/N) said, her eyes lighting up. Obanai chuckled and replied with just  a simple "Alright" As he scooped her up onto his shoulders.

Present time:

"(Y/N)! Get yourself together!" A harsh voice called out, interrupting my thoughts. "Ah.. y-yes.. Tanaka Sensei" I replied picking up the sword slowly.

I had to master the fifth form. I had to. A determination I had never felt before blazed in me. "BREATH OF THE SERPENT FIFTH FORM: SLITHERING SERPENT!" Then, within two seconds all the training dummies lay beheaded on the floor.

I stared at in shock at the beheaded dummies lying on the floor. I'd done it! I couldn't believe it.

"Great work, (Y/N). The selections are tomorrow, so get a good night's sleep."

 "Thank you, Grandp- I mean Tanaka Sensei!" I thought I imagined it, but I could've sworn I heard a low chuckle.

As I lay on my fluffy white futon, I couldn't help but be undeniably nervous.

If I wasn't chosen... I would let my family down. I didn't know if I could stand to live with myself knowing that I had let them down. I stared at the ceiling and it stared back at me. I was really really nervous. Tomorrow would be the big day. The day that determined whether I made it or not. And I had to make it. I had to.


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