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(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up with a yawn and stretched.

"(Y/N)! YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I heard my grandfather, otherwise known as Tanaka Sensei yell.

I rubbed my eyes as I stumbled groggily to Tanaka Sensai. "What's up, Tanaka Sensei?"

"(Y/N)! DID YOU FORGET?!?!" TODAY IS THE DAY OF THE SELECTIONS!" He very literally screeched at me. I covered my ears with the palms of my hand.

It took me a few seconds for my brain to respond.

"WAAAAAAAAA!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET!!!!" I started panicking.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart.

'Deep breath in... deep breath out...' I thought to myself.

"(Y/N)! WHAT ARE YOU DAWDLING FOR?! WE'VE GOT NO TIME TO WASTE!" Tanaka Sensei continued to say to me. "Urgh.. at least let me eat breakfast..." I said. He grunted.

I poked at my bowl of udon, suddenly forgetting my appetite. How convenient.

I sighed, putting down my chopsticks on the wooden table, and then stood up. "I'm leaving now." I said. "Be safe." He said, and his eyes showed worry in them. For once, he felt like my grandfather again. "I will." I said with a smile.

I looked at the map I held in my hand, my blade at my side. Hmmm... according to this map, I have to walk approximately walk 20 miles east and then 5 miles north to reach headquarters. I sighed, and started heading east. I should be able to reach headquarters in around eight hours, around three in the afternoon.

I started heading east.

For some reason, I had a really bad feeling in my stomach that something was gonna go wrong. I shook it off. I'd been a demon slayer for a while now, and I'd just mastered the fifth form, so I shouldn't be worried if I met a demon right?

I sighed and continued walking at a brisk pace.


The Serpent's Apprentice (Obanai Iguro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now