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Disclaimer: I wrote this crap like a year ago, probably wont be the absolute best but if you like shoto a lot like I used to, you'll probably have a lot of enjoyment reading this sooo enjoy 

I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Mother..

I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Father..

Maybe, just maybe if I wasn't weak,

I'd have my family.


Y/n Keigo, the so-called "assistant" to Dabi, no scratch that, to all the league of villains, they still treated you like family though. You and the league were feared by all in the neighborhood where you and Dabi's team live, the thing you hated most was--


stares as if you were some sort of monster that could devour anyone, stares as if they saw a savage animal just broke down a cage, stares as if you were some sort of freak. The L.O.V never looked at you like the citizens did, they saw you as their little sister, but the area also looked at the league the same way they observed you, if not even more fearful.

You suddenly came back to reality with the feeling of a blonde girl with two messy space buns moving your cheeks up and down causing the sides of your mouth to move in the direction your cheeks are in. "Do you need something Himiko?" you asked looking at her as she slowly moved her hands away from your cheeks, "No, you were spaced out for a second silly! Actually for more than a second but you get what I mean", Dabi came and sat next to you on the couch resting his arm on the back of the sofa causing his arm to pass behind your back, "Somethin' on your mind?" Dabi spoke. "No, just tired" you rubbed your forehead in exhaustion, today was a long day for you anyways. Toga placed her hand on your shoulder, "You need to get some rest y/n!",

"Yeah y/n, I hate it when you're cranky," Tomura added, you chuckled at Shigraki's comment, "Yeah, I could use some rest anyways" You rubbed your eyes and got up from the sofa, you walked in the direction of your bedroom till someone grabbed your arm, "Hey, I gotta talk to you later", you turned around to see Dabi's hair hovering over his eyes looking down, "Yeah, sure okay", his hand slowly moved away from your arm as you continued to walk up to your room.


You arose from your bed, you yawned lightly rubbing your eyes to see Dabi sitting on your desk chair that was facing backward, his legs on each end of the chair, his arms wrapped around the top of the rearwards seat in front of you. "Finally you're up, stupid." , "I need to talk to you", whenever he says that in a serious manner, you know it's not just some 'ordinary talk'.

"I need you to take on a mission in U.A" 

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