"𝐈𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝"

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You arrived at the dance hall, and woah it was beautiful, it was like a whole castle scenery, there were doors to your left that led to the actual venue of the area. Your eyes glanced up and down the hall until you heard someone from behind you, ¨hey what's up Y/n?¨ Denki said walking towards you, you smiled ¨Hey¨.

¨You look good y/n, who'd you come with?¨ ¨Thanks, I kinda came by myself¨ you admitted, ¨I meant who are you waiting for? You know, 'cause you don't exactly look like you came without a date¨ he smirked, you rolled your eyes and laughed, he chuckled. ¨Yeah I came with-¨ before you finished your sentence you hear a redhead follow up behind Kaminari ¨Todoroki?¨ ¨Wow it's that obvious?¨ ¨Yeah kinda¨.


After about ten minutes of Kirishima and Denki keeping you company, Shoto enters the door, and of course heś in his black suit with a red tie. ¨Go get em y/n¨ Kirishima held up a fist bump, ¨Your so stupid¨ you chuckled rolling your eyes ((like always)) and fist-bumped him, Kaminari and Eijiro left you so you could talk to shoto, Todoroki walked up to you. ¨ Someone's late¨ you kidded, ¨My bad, I was getting ready to meet someone here¨ he taunted. Then suddenly, you were snapped back to reality when Shigraki yelled on the line ¨get that stupid wire looser! What are you doing?!¨, your eyes softened as you realized this was all fake. ¨Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, you can go inside if you want¨

¨Yeah sure¨ he nodded, You stormed away far enough to where no one would hear you, on the right side there was an entrance to behind the stage where all the electrical wires were located, you go inside and duck right behind the curtain, ¨So how exactly do I pull these things?¨ you whispered into your earpiece,¨look on your left, there should be a neon blue wire that you have to tug¨ Dabi commanded. ¨Wait, that's it? No complicated codes or-¨ ¨Just do the god dang order!¨ Tomura yelled, you rolled your eyes, and your realization started hitting you again, knowing you have to let go, you cringed glancing at the blue wire. One, you mentally counted two... Three! You pulled the wire, and that was it,....

¨It's pulled¨

{{Shoto Todoroki x reader}} boku no hero academiaWhere stories live. Discover now