𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭

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You were in your dorm, brushing your mascara gently over your eyelash looking in your vanity mirror while Tomura was making fun of your loss in the training exercise on the other line, "YOU REALLY THOUGHT YOU COULD WIN?!" Shigraki chuckled, "would you shut up for a moment?" Dabi said, you rolled your eyes at their dumb antics. You then hear footsteps coming near your dorm, then the door slammed open which startled you, "Hey kid!" the man said with his red wings that were practically identical to yours. You turned in his direction moving your mascara wand away from your eyelash, "Geez you scared me," you said with a relieving sigh, "you can't just walk in on me, what if I was changing?". "Anyways the heroes are planning a gathering, I told them you were in town and some of them wanna meet you,". "Pro heroes?" You suddenly had the urge and suspension to dig deeper into the topic, "yea, crazy right?" He replied, "that is beyond exciting" you said, twiddling your fingers together with your empty hand, "be ready tomorrow by six, I'll give you a ride?" he offered, "would you? That'd be great" you said,

"well I'll be on my way, see ya kid" he closed the door behind him on his way out and left.

"This could be your chance Y/n, gain their trust, manipulate them slowly". "She knows the drill already, she's been on like, a million missions" Toga added on the other line, "just reminding her" he said.

❝ Timeskipᵕ̈

You guys came in a limo, a driver in the driver's seat obviously, you and hawks in the back seat. After you and Hawks arrived, you went to the hall and saw a couple heroes, they greeted you, admired you, asked about you, you responded politely and appropriately of course. This was a very formal and fancy party, everyone was dressed up in suits and ties, dresses and gowns,slow music playing as couples and friends danced the night away.

"Hey kid I'm gonna talk to some friends, mind getting me some punch?" Hawks asked, you nodded your head and stepped up to the table that had all kinds of food and drinks organized neatly on a white clothed table. The punch was in a neat glass designed bowl with a giant spoon in it with cups right beside it, you pulled out a cup from the stack, lifted the spoon from the bowl once it was full of punch, slowly and carefully you poured it into a cup. As you were pouring into a cup you heard a familiar voice say "may I have this dance?" you gracefully turned your head away from the cup and in the direction towards the voice, you saw a boy with half red half white hair in a black suit and tie with a white button up shirt underneath holding his hand waiting for you to accept the invitation, you placed the cup of punch onto Hawk's table since it was right next to you but hawks was at another table, you gracefully placed your fingertips on top of his, "sure". You knew he just wanted to dance since this was the only time you two could talk in private and talk about your "suspicious" behavior. He held your hand in his and walked with you to the slow dance floor, he wrapped his hand around your waist and the other still holding your hand, you placed one hand on his shoulder as your other hand was still intertwined with his. He stepped back slowly and gently as you followed the rhythm of his feet, "now, I'm not stupid, so you can tell me what the hell your doing here", he said leaning his head a bit down to your ear, he raised the hand you were in and gently spun you causing your dress to twirl, you were back in his arms once again following the rhythm of his steps, you brought your chest up to his so you could talk in his ear, "listen, I'm not doing anything, I don't know when you'll realize that". "If you weren't doing anything, you wouldn't be here right now",he pushed your shoulder down a bit and crouched causing you to dip yourself into his arms,

"you're still working for the league, aren't you?" He said, his eyes lurking in a different direction making sure no one was listening to your conversation, Shoto lowered his hand a bit more causing your back to lower as well, which led to the dip being further down. You smirked as you looked him in the eyes while one of his hands were on your back supporting you from falling, the other holding your hand. "Now, this is my last time asking," he proceeded to dance with you, except this time so close even your stomachs were touching. "I'm not doing anything Shoto Todoroki, now tell me, how do I know you're not putting me on the spot so you could do something, Hm?".

"I'm in a hero course, not an evil doing class", he wiped the hand you were holding out causing you two to have a bit more distance from each other, you twirled to his arm, and twirled back to him and he placed his hand back on your hip. "Really now? Didn't notice" you replied sarcastically. "Sorry, but I think I'm gonna have to steal her from you for a bit", you heard a voice say behind you. You cocked your head in that direction to see..


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