𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲𝐞, 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐞𝐫𝐤

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Three weeks later....

"Alright everyone, take out your homework I assigned you Wednesday" Aizawa called out to the class sitting in his computer table typing probably some emails, your memory suddenly jumped back to you as you slowly start to remember what you forgot to do over the weekend.

Flashback to last weekend:

You could've sworn you had something to do, you just couldn't get a pin on it, you thought and thought about it till Hawks flew the way to your dorm, his feet entering your doorway startling you and makes you completely forget your train of thought, "yo kid can you help me really quick I need you too-"

"Y/n? Hello?" Aizawa said making you drop-down back to reality, "Oh hi sorry"

"homework?", You had to think at the top of your head, "oh I actually, uh, I was absent so I didn't collect it" you lied, knowing you shouldn't have to do some janky worksheets since you don't even have to put in the effort for grades, he, of course, had the option to double-check the attendance form from Wednesday but him being the lazy teacher he is, he didn't, thank gosh. Aizawa sighed in exhaustion, rubbing his forehead,

"I guess you could come after school to finish it," he said knowing that his free time would be wasted on your work, "oh, okay," you said giving him a smile, the second he walked away you rolled your eyes in frustration and scoffed. ¨Yeah Y/n, go do your work" Shigraki said through your ear device extending the end of 'work', you tapped your ear device lurking your eyes around the room making sure no-one is eyeing or listening to you, "gosh do you ever shut up?" you said whisper yelling then proceeding to take your finger off the device.

❝ Timeskipᵕ̈

The bell went off and every student in class rushed to stuff their binders and folders in their backpacks, the sound of books shuffling, chairs pushing into the desk, and zippers from their bags filing the whole room, you took out your phone and opened your reminders and realized you have tutoring after school with Aizawa, you groaned in exhaustion and frustration, 'why today of all days .

next to the seat behind you was a boy with half red and half white hair getting worked up over the phone and trying to keep his cool, you look back knowing you honestly don't care about that stupid idiot, it randomly dawned on you that you forgot your hairtye in the gym so you moved yourself to walk to the gym.

You entered the gym doors to see an empty room with gym equipment, you scattered your eyes around the bottom seats of the bleachers and quickly found it since it was in a pretty obvious spot, you slid your rubber band on your wrist and started walking back to Mr.Aizawa's class.

His Door was open but you didn't see him in the entrance, you peaked your head through the open door, "I'm here for tutorials?" you said, but you heard an angry voice that definitely wasn't Aizawa's, "I will not, I won't call you father or any related name", you were confused so you turned to the side to see Shoto pacing his feet back and forth while speaking on the phone, "yes, even when I become hero, a hero stronger than you" the half hair colored boy said as he lowered the cell phone from his ear and frustratingly ended the call forming a fist at his side,

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