𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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You know that day EVERYone was talking about? The event that's all over school posters, no scratch that, the ONLY posters all over the school. Guess what, today's that day. ¨So what's the plan chief?¨ you kidded on the line, ¨Listen kid, I looked through the location and found wires that connect to the power. I need you to pull those when I give you a cue. Weĺl come in and strike the heroes, maybe the kids as well so no one has to deal with any more of those pros¨

¨hold on, just like that?! Weŕe not gonna do a sabotage bit by bit were just going straight at the pro heroes?¨ you asked, realizing you're putting your friends at risk. ¨Yeah? Like always?¨

¨god¨ you breathed. The truth was, you didn't wanna let go. You didn't wanna let go of the friends you made; Denki, Kirishima, Momo, Mina, all of them! But most importantly. Todoroki.

He made you feel something, feel something you never experienced around others. You were comforted, happy, protected; Yet nervous, and butterflies constantly fluttering in your stomach, you realized this wasn't a normal feeling, just in front of him. You felt this way whenever you just looked at him, he could do the smallest things and your heart felt like it was gonna stop.

¨Okay, it's in¨ you glanced at the clock, ¨An hour or so maybe?¨ you said. ¨That should be enough time to get crap together.


half an hour later

(A/N: get it? ¨Half¨?- Okay i'll stop)

You here banging at your door ¨Y/n!¨ she said whining and extending the sound of your name, ¨let me in!¨ she whined again. ¨Okay okay mina i'm coming¨ you opened the door

¨Look! Look what I have for you!¨. She held a hanger with a red silk mini dress with black tights and a black turtleneck to wear underneath, She held Chanel earrings on the opposite hand, along with a makeup bag. ¨woah, it's like the dresses from the movies¨ obviously like almost every teenage girl, you were insecure about your body and preferred baggy clothes, so you weren't sure but you trusted mina. ¨I'll make it look good on you dont worry, Mina to the rescue!¨ she extended her name 'mina' to give a dramatic effect, you sighed, ¨I guess i'll get changed then¨ she handed you the dress and headed to the bathroom. It fit you perfectly, It hugged your edges and curves, it was beautiful. ¨I heard shotoś wearing a red suit too¨ she smirked, ¨Okay?¨ you pretended not to care, but she knew how you felt on the inside.

This was it, the end of almost everything.

The end of all the friendships that were created from the mission,

The end of meeting your friends after school and talk about the darndest things,

You got attached.

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