𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭?

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2 weeks have passed since Shigraki did that stupid suprise attack on you, not a word was spoken about that episode since. Since they continued on and acted like nothing happened, you did too.


You were walking down the hallway with denki and mina, hearing them babble on and on about their day, till you see a winter dance poster that grabs your attention, "Yo sick! Who you taking Mina?'', "prob gonna roll with the girls again, you?¨. "Boringgg, think Jirou would wanna come?¨

¨Jirou? I don't know if she's the type to go to the dance, you know what I mean?¨, ¨Yea I got you, what about you y/n?¨.

You unplugged your ear phones ¨yeah?¨ ¨You gonna go to the dance with anyone?¨ Denki asked, ¨Uh I don't think s-¨ then Shigraki screamed on the other line ¨This is your gateway to-¨ you interrupted him as well for your enjoyment, ¨Yea I guess Iĺl go¨ You said to them chuckling to yourself. ¨Sweet! You gonna take, you know?¨ Mina raised her eyebrows and smirked, ''Huh? What do you-¨ Denki slung his arm around your shoulders. ¨Y/n, when someone loves another¨- and denki lectured you about loving someone all the way to class, to be honest you weren't really listening.

After school, you met up with Shoto since your last period classes are right next to each other. It was always voiceless when you guys hung out since heś more discreet and introverted while you kinda just matched energies with whoever you were with, but it wasn't awkward; more comfortable silence. You both walked past a wall of papers advertising the dance, ¨The dance is all ANYONE'S ever talking about¨ you stated turning your head towards shoto as you two roamed the halls, ¨Yea, it's kind of annoying to be honest¨ He stated in that emotionless tone he always talked in. ¨You going?¨ he asked. ¨only if you're going¨ you smiled,even though you kinda had to go. ¨Yeah sure I don't mind¨. ¨Thank god, I thought you were gonna leave me with Kaminari smirking at every girl who comes his way¨ Todoroki did a small chuckle. ¨Hey, can I walk you to your dorm?¨ He asked, no matter how heartless or emotionless he acts, he had always been surprisingly polite. ¨Please, be my guest¨ you said. ¨You just wanna make it look like you're not lonely walking to your dorm, don't you?¨

¨ Like I said, be my guest¨ you chuckled


After you and Shoto arrived at your dorm entrance, you two stood in front of your doorway for a bit then you thanked him for walking you, ¨mhm¨ shoto replied and left. Once you entered your dorm room you heard ¨Hey kid¨ which made you jump back a bit. ¨Geez¨ you breathed, ¨Is knocking or tapping just not a thing for you anymore?¨. ¨Sure, when it comes to adults¨

. . .

¨So what am I?¨

. . .

¨A kid¨, he teased. ¨Hey I kinda needed to ask you something¨ he stated as you slid your backpack strap off your shoulders onto one of your chairs. ¨Yeah sure what's up?¨. ¨Some staff members saw some L.O.V members sneak in a couple nights ago, the morning of they had a meeting and some were suspecting a traitor¨. 

{{Shoto Todoroki x reader}} boku no hero academiaWhere stories live. Discover now