𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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((Childhood in Todoroki's pov))


I ran to y/n's house as soon as I heard her parents passed. I stopped to see her crying on the concrete as a blonde girl and a boy with purple scars and black hair talked to her. I froze, they clearly looked like bad news. "Hey, leave her alone '' I said standing in front of y/n. The blondie laughed, "Dearie, she's choosing to follow us, right sweet y/n?"Y/n turned around to look at me, I whispered to Y/n, "Leave, I have a feeling she's bad news", and she placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Todoroki', and with that, she left me.

The fact she left me by choice is what hurt even more. I never understood why. Why would she leave me, why would my best- forget best, only friend leave me. As I walked into the Kitchen to see my sister cooking, Fuyumi asked "Shoto, where's Y/n?". Todoroki didn't know how to reply. "She moved last minute I guess" I said sitting at the table.

I glanced through my window gazing at her house. I always waited for her for the past three months, not a single sign of her. One year later, the news was on and educated everyone about the league of villains, it didn't take me long to connect the dots, she betrayed me.


You sighed as you laid on your bed, "You're not here to make friends Y/n, you're just here to manipulate them! Why is that so hard" Dabi said over the device in your ear, "You listened, didn't you?".

"Y/n, get it together." He spat, You sighed, "Its for the mission so I can gain his trust", you bit your lip, knowing full well that you plain out lied. "It better be," he said. "Now get ready for school" he spoke, you groaned, "I hate school enough, why do I have to do work for a school I don't even go to". "You wanna advenge your parents or not" he asked, "Not if I have to go to school", He groaned "Get up you little sh"- Dabi was about to say till Toga interrupted "Language! She's a kid!", "She's a teenager! She needs to get her act together!" Dabi argued, "Okay okay i'm going".

((Time skip))

During passing period, you kept seeing shoto and he kept staring at you too, during fourth period you even made eye contact with him.

"Y/n, get it together" Dabi's voice replayed in your head everytime Shoto Passed by you. The bell rang, everyone shuffled their materials and stuffed it in their backpack to head home. You slung one backpack strap over your shoulder, leaving the other one dangling as you headed towards the bleachers to clear your head.

As you looked up from your shoes to take a seat on a bleacher, you saw that same half and half boy. Right then and there, you ignored everything. Ignored that all your friendships you created here were based on lies, ignored that you'd betray your friends all over again, you didn't care anymore, you had to break the tension with Shoto, you had a gut feeling too but you never knew why. You whispered into your ear piece, "Sorry Dabi", you squinted one eye in fear as you removed the device from your ear and turned it off knowing you took a huge risk. "Can we talk?" you asked, standing awkwardly, Shoto turned his head to the side as a signal of 'çome sit'. "You were right, that was kind of unfair for me to leave you like that" you chuckled awkwardly, "Kind of? I never made any friends after you left me" he said. "Listen, Im.. I'm sorry" you said. "Why would I forgive you? How can I trust you again", "Shoto, we were kids", "Kids or not, you joined the league,". There was silence, "I'm not the same person I was before, and I wont leave you again." you spoke, the entire mission becoming a blur and forgotten memory, "How do I know". "Cause I never forgot you"

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