𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Your heart pounded, so hard it felt like it was going to explode. ¨Really? What made you- or them, think that?¨ you asked. ¨Well because they didn't sabotage anything, no one was injured or killed, the only obvious answer is they went to visit someone¨. ¨ah I see¨ you pretended to mentally process everything. ¨So, have you seen any suspicion lately?¨. ¨nah not really, iĺl let you know for sure¨ you smiled. ¨Alright thanks kid, also you going to that dance everyoneś freaking out about?¨. ¨Yeah, being forced too¨; ¨Forced?¨ he asked and you covered your mouth and your eyes widened. You giggled to play it off ¨Yea, my friends are making me go¨. ¨hm I see, well see you kid¨ He flew out of your window and closed it on his way out, you sighed in relief. ¨I swear she's gonna get us killed one day¨ Shigraki said through the earpiece, ¨she's smarter than you though you dummy!¨ Toga said. ¨Shut up blondie¨


You were once again at your favorite place in school, your dorm of course. You were on the phone with the girls like usual.

 ¨Guys! I have NO clue what to wear to the dance¨ Mina complains while shuffling the hangers in her closet on facetime, ¨Right?¨ yayarozu agreed to drink her iced tea from those store bought tea cans. ¨What's the point guys? Not like we have dates¨ Jirou spoke in an irritated and disappointed tone, ¨True¨ you admitted. As if on cue, Shoto called. ¨Hey guys I gotta go i'm getting a call¨, ¨okay, see ya y/n!¨ Mina wished you goodbye, and the rest of the girls did so you answered his call. ¨Hey y/n¨ he spoke, ¨hey whats up?¨. ¨ Would you wanna go to the dance? Since we're both going anyways¨, your heart lit, but you had to play it off cool obviously. ¨Yea sure! I'm down¨. ¨Mk see you¨

{{Shoto Todoroki x reader}} boku no hero academiaWhere stories live. Discover now