Chapter 2 -Café Sugar Cube-

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Did I spend an outrageous amount of time making fake logos for fake businesses for this story?

Locking up the front door of a beautiful Victorian style house, Izuku Midoriya stuffed the key into his backpack and jogged down the wildflower-filled garden toward his waiting mother, Inko.

The two were headed down to work, they two actually worked a two blocks away in an adorable coffee shop called 'Café Sugar Cube'. Inko had taken a job there one year before her son was born and after 18 years of employment, when the woman who opened the café was ready to move on, she handed the keys over to her most loyal employee, who, when it was time, gave a job to her son.

The Café Sugar Cube was a quick two blocks from their home, a restored 1856 Victorian house. A building that was intended for demolition, the two purchased it for a steal years ago. It'd always been a dream of Mrs. Midoriya's to restore and live in an era home, and when they were getting ready to leave the apartment they'd grown out of, their realtor called them in a tizzy, with the perfect opportunity.

Even though it pushed the budget and there was major work needed, this house quickly became their passion project. It took a year and a half, countless long, late nights, dozens of YouTube tutorials, and a while of life on ramen packet but the two of them officially finished their home, in June, two years ago, 19 months after they purchased the house.

That was probably enough reminiscing for six forty-five in the morning.

A crisp dawn breeze pushed through the barely sunlit street. Working in the coffee business was great and all but the worst part was how early they had to wake up to catch the morning rush. 

Their walk ended almost as quickly as it began. Two blocks away wasn't exactly a hike but at the same time it also wasn't next door.

Fidgeting with the front door lock, he pushed open the glass door, the inviting smell of coffee that never left the store, wafting into their noses. Sugar practically hung in the air as they entered, few leftover pastries and muffins behind the glass display looking as delicious as they were fresh out the oven.

"Looks like it's pastry day, I'm gonna go get started, can you give everything a clean-up?" Inko tucked her purse in the back and pulled an apron over her head, getting ready for a long day of baking.

"'Kay Mami. Are the muffins off limits or can I have one?" He hoped, having forgotten to eat breakfast.

"Only the blueberry!" She called over the clanging of sheet pans.

Giving a small fist pump, he snatched up a blueberry muffin devouring it in a flat second. Washing his hands of the crumbs, Midoriya tied his apron, ready for whatever Tuesday held.

After a fifteen minute scrub down of the front counter, one last imposing job, the espresso machine. Boy, he hated cleaning that thing. So many stupid pieces it took forever. But, it was the only thing left and someone had to do it, and, sighing dramatically, he began the tedious job.

Halfway through cleaning the thing, he looked outside, just to sneak a glance at the beautiful morning. That's when his eyes caught a sweet surprise, a young man stared in the window, his hetrochromic gaze locking on the freckled boy's own green eyes. The boy's eyes matched his mismatched hair, red and white locks tumbling in-front of his aqua and gray irises. Long in short, he was cute af.

Offering a friendly smile, a flaring blush painted the boy's cheeks as he turned to look at the floor, flushed with embarrassment. He couldn't help but laugh slightly at the cute nature of the caught onlooker.

It actually wasn't the first time he'd seen this guy, but, it was the first time he'd ever seen him look in the window. Usually when Izuku saw him, he was with a woman who appeared to be his mom, but it seemed that in the mornings he walked alone. Unable to stifle one last laugh, he got back to work cleaning that espresso machine.

Almost the instant he finished though, a customer was already standing in wait, and she wanted an espresso. This was no fault of hers, it was a coffee shop and it was early in the morning.

The morning rush began. As it turns out this would be one of their busier days, an endless flow of customers popping in and out the door all day.

There were only two others that worked there, his high school best friend, Ochako Uraraka and a young man named Yuga Aoyama. Today only Aoyama showed, Ochako was taking the day to take care of her girlfriend who had fallen ill, leaving them a bit underprepared for the busy day.

The three managed, and soon enough the shimmering blue sky sported a shade of hot pink just short of neon. Aoyama stayed a bit longer to offer an extra set of hands, which was greatly appreciated as they cleaned and locked up for the night.

Finally, after the exhausting workday, the Midoriyas and Aoyama parted ways, ready to grab some dinner and spent the night relaxing on the couch. Which, was exactly what the two did when they arrived home.

Inko put on an episode of their current binge show, The Good Place and reheated some leftovers, leading to the perfect way to wind down from the chaos of earlier. The freckled boy soon joined her, wrapped in blankets and pajamas to ward of the aches of long hours standing.

And, as he drifted off to sleep, curled up on the couch, his mind couldn't help but give one last thought; a wonder of that boy, that curious boy in the window...

Say what you will about dvds, but my 2003 strawberry shortcake dvd smelled like strawberries, and streaming just can't top that.

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