Chapter 12 -Spraypaint-

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A gorgeous gorgeous gal 🤍
(Art: yours truly)

"Uhg." A focused face reflected in the mirror's glass as the florist tried to fix his disheveled hair. They had around twenty minutes before the gallery and currently he looked a mess, or as rich people like to put it, unacceptable.

Rei looked absolutely gorgeous, especially compared to her son. Her powder blue dress hung softly off her curved frame, delicately accentuating her gentle beauty. Around her neck, a thin brass necklace drizzled small star pendants down across her collarbone. Silky white hair draped down her back like a waterfall, with one small, starred, hairpin holding back a few loose snowy locks. Her calming magnolia scent wafting around her in an almost magical way. 

Well now he felt completely underdressed. His black turtleneck, plaid tan trousers, combat boots and necklace seemed like pajamas compared to her heavenly appearance.

"Maman, you look lovely." He complimented, his voice softly admiring his mother, who hadn't dressed this nice since their 'public lives'.

"Oh, thank you sweetie." Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she glanced to her feet, in an effort to accept the compliment. Accepting compliments was always a struggle for sweet Rei, it was as if she was almost unable to comprehend her beauty.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she watched her son for a moment, perplexed by whatever he was trying to do with his hair.

"Angel, what are you doing?" She murmured, mimicking the way he was messing with his hair.

"I wish I knew." Dropping his hands, he gave a tiny sigh of defeat.

"Would you like some help?"

"Yes please."

Her light footsteps padded across the ugly hotel carpet, delicate hands floating up to his height, as she reached to fix his hair. Shouto had always admired his mother's gentleness, she reminded of a snowflake, every movement serene, beautiful, despite an element of cold distance, she still made everyone feel warm and loved inside.

A moment of silence settled between them as she ran her hands through his silky locks. Her face quickly muddled over with a subtle, analyzing, pout. Working her magic, she fluffed, parted, and brushed his hair into a cooperative, lovely style that actually looked good with his outfit, primping and poofing her son into a handsome young man.

"There. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, thank you Maman." Taking a second to appreciate his new look, he sported a little bitty smile before following his mother out the door.

The drive wasn't too long, however getting the hang of the rental car was a bit tricky, as they learned, it constantly liked to beep about nothing. It wasn't that big of a problem though, they managed to arrive on time, to the rather fancy venue, even finding a parking spot close by.

As they approached the venue, a familiar face popped out the open doorway, grinning like a puppy-dog. Unmistakable spiky black hair, bright turquoise eyes and a plethora of tattoos and piercings came bounding down the front steps toward the two.

"Heyyy!! You guys made it!" His oldest brother, Touya beamed, wrapping his mother in a tight hug.

"Of course we did. Wouldn't miss it for the world, darling." She assured, gently cupping her hands around his tattoo-covered face.

"Thanks mom. Really, I appreciate this." Trying keep up his cool-guy attitude, he glanced up at the sky rubbing the nape of his neck. "Oh, hey, Fuyu's here-"

"Yumi's here?" Shouto piped up, peeping over Touya's shoulder in hopes of catching a glimpse of his sister through the door.

"Yeah, she was able to drive down last minute, stayed at my place last night." He mentioned, leading them past the sleek black and silver exterior and into the venue. "Anyway, this is it. My guy is around somewhere, prob'ly wandered off. You'll wanna meet him." The artist mumbled, referring to his gallery sponsor.

While his brother yammered on, leading them on a weaving path around the small rooms, Shouto took the walk-through to really visualize his brother's art. He'd only ever seen a few of his pieces, one of which he only got to see during a vandalism charge a few years back (which despite being a crime, was stunning.)

The pieces dashing these walls were no different, in which, each one was in wild contrast to the next, yet all staggeringly beautiful.

Traditional art was 100% the opposite of Touya's style. His work was of a transitional, two sided feeling; old-school graffiti tags, swirled with the innovative creativity of street art, merging into this expressive artistry, that was simply unparalleled.

"Shouto!" A recognizable feminine voice chirped as a pair of eager arms swallows him into a hug.

"Oh, hi Yumi." Awkwardly reciprocating the hug, he scrunched his nose up as her fluffy hair tickled his face. "Nice to see you again."

"Be right back." Dabi, Touya's art-pseudonym/persona, mumbled, heading off to a guy beckoning him over.

Pulling away from the hug, Shouto peeked around Fuyumi, observing the man chatting with his brother. He definitely looked like a sponsor, the crisp suit, fresh haircut, flawless look and devious golden eyes practically screamed: "why yes I do have a rather large stockpile of money in my mansion in the alps."

Chatting briefly the two made their way over to the rest of the family.

"Hello, you must be Mrs. Todoroki-Himura?" Putting out a friendly hand, the tall (partly stranger) introduced himself to Rei.

"Yes, sir." Shaking his hand, she gave a sweet, inviting, smile.

"It's a pleasure. I'm Onyeisi, Amadi Onyeisi."He cracked a grin, eager to talk with the woman who raised the artistic brilliance he now endorsed.

Shouto, unfortunately, did not posses the patience to linger around the dull, deferential, conversation, instead, following his sister to the luscious buffet of high-end foods.

It wasn't long before the night began to fall away with ease. Lengthy minutes shed, as hours spilled into an effort of seconds.

Something about the night seemed a work of art in itself. Even afterwards, in celebration, they stopped by a local grocery purchasing a dozen different desserts for a sort of tiny family after-party.

From the store they all crashed in Rei and Shouto's hotel, fancy shoes in hand as aching feet and gleaming, giggling, faces shoved through the doorway.

Bodies splaying across all surfaces, the beds, chairs, floor, whatever. All giddily exhausted from the night, every smile and laugh slurring into a dreamy haze.

"Let us eat cake... and other stuff." Touya declared, raising a plastic fork above his head in playful triumph.

All in all it was a great night. Perfect in every way, the break needed for almost everyone in the small family. The party lasted until one in the morning, filled with desserts, movies, pjs, and even a FaceTime with the one brother who couldn't make it, Natsuō.

Really it was a magical night, worth all stresses of travel. They wound down when Fuyumi announced she had to be going, if she wanted any rest before her early drive back that morning, and out of courtesy and hostly spirit, Touya followed suit to drive them both back to his apartment.

After a deal of hugs, and loving words, the four split ways in preparation for the next day's journeys. Yes, Rei and Sho were not exempt from the next day's travels, they had a late afternoon flight that spilt over into the dark hours.

Climbing into their poofy hotel beds, the two settled in for whatever the next day held.

I love Rei...  so f-cking much 🤍

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