Chapter 15 -Blush-

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Two lovely ladies on a stroll downtown
... enjoy a bonus coffee chapter :)

Morning sunshine covered the café's floorboards, bedazzling them with shimmer. Their blinding shine pestering the barista trying to eat his breakfast.

Grumbling quietly, he scooted his chair around, trying not to drop his coffee and croissants in the process.

That morning, Izuku, had neglected to eat before work, leading him to the old pastries bin, fortunately containing a few croissants and a blueberry muffin, which had been eaten several minutes prior. This was one of his favorite work bonuses, employees being allowed to eat the old pastries rather than pitch perfectly good food.

"Izuku, honey, when your done with breakfast could you please restock the pastries? The fridge is fine, but the display is lacking." Inko asked, slinging her purse over her shoulder. "I've got to go to the bank. I'll be back soon, alright?"

"Cool," he mumbled through mouthful of croissant, he gave a little thumbs up as she hurried for the back door. After a quick goodbye, he finished up his breakfast and wiped the table he'd been seated at.

Perfect timing too, since opening had snuck up on him during his little meal.

Having unlocked the door, he made a beeline for the rolling pan-rack filled with fresh pastries, ready to take the place of those already eaten.

Unlike many tedious or gross tasks that came with this line of work, Izuku rather enjoyed this chore. Each pastry carefully lined into the perfect display, enticing to many a hungry customer (and sometimes even the employees).

Peacefully lost in the repetitive motions and soft background music, he almost didn't notice the door's bell chiming with the first customer's arrival. Pulling off the plastic-y gloves he called out the usual greeting, hurrying to tend to this person.

"Welcome to café sugar c-" standing there, beneath the doorway, hitching the words before they could even leave his tongue, he stood; Shouto Todoroki. Last night came forth in his mind, bringing with it a stark flush to his freckled cheeks. "Wh- uh, hi... Shouto,"

"Oh, is- is this a bad time?" The florist stammered, fingers twiddling with a small bundle between his palms.

"No, no, it's fine." Closing the display case, the barista turned his full attention toward the upcoming, and inevitably uncomfortable, conversation. "What're- what's up?"

"I just wanted to, uhm, bring you something, just, just a, uh, I don't know," unable to put together a coherent sentence, Shouto presented a small but gorgeous bouquet over the counter.

Gardenias, viburnum berry, and dusty miller, arranged in small, nosegay style, wrapped in lovely but simple butcher paper.

"Oh,,, my gosh, wow... this is, this is beautiful," accepting the bouquet, he took a moment to admire it before his gaze could meet the diverted, mismatched, eyes across the counter. "th-thank you,"

"So, I was thinking, um, would you like..." pausing in fluster, the florist nervously rubbed his neck trying to calm his nerves. "Would you like, to have lunch... together... later today?"

"Are," Izuku near laughed in a kind of disbelief. "Are you asking me on a date?"

"That depends."

"And what if I accept?" He asked, twirling a lock of curly hair between two fingers.

"Then, yes. I suppose I would be."

"Well, in that case, I'd love to go out."

"Oh," smiling adorably, Shouto caught a glimpse at the clock. "Sorry, I've gotta go in just a minute. Can I come by pick you up here? And, um, when is your lunch break?"

"Sure thing, I break at twelve,"

"Wow, okay, thank you," fidgeting with his shaking hands, he glanced back at the clock. "I've, I've, gotta go, I'm so sorry, and, and I can't wait for lunch,"

"Alrighty, I guess I'll see ya later, hm?"

"Yeah, yes," excitedly brushing hair behind his ear, Shouto gave the softest hesitant smile.

"Can't wait," Midoriya murmured, a definite flirtatiousness to his smooth voice.

With a small awkward wave, the florist turned for the door, ducking out into the sunlight as the door gave a cheery chime. He couldn't help but watch on with adoration as the boy jogged across the street.

"Oh. My. Gosh." A shocked feminine voice sent Izuku whipping around at unholy speeds. Peeking out the kitchen doorway Ochako stood clutching Aoyama's arm with overbearing excitement. Their jaws on the floor, the two looked just a step from exploding.

"Oh, fuck, look, it's no-"

"Did he just ask you out?!" Uraraka squealed,  violently shaking Aoyama's shoulder.

"I m-, yes, yes he did." He shook his head bashfully, trying not to give the two this glory.

"Mon ami! This is fantastic news! You are single too long!!" The blond piped up with his thick French accent.

"It's not serious, it, it's just a lunch date, okay?" 

"Fuck all the way off!" Ochako blurted out in utter encouraging disbelief. "Just a lunch date," she mocked playfully, using air-quotes for emphasis. "You like, like him, don't you?"

"I... I...... I don't know," laughing nervously, the freckled boy averted his eyes, a realization plummeting into his thoughts. Is it true? Is she really right?

Got my first cardigan, now I can finally achieve me dream of dressing like a librarian

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