Chapter 5 -Thursdays-

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Once again, I feel like a complete fool.

5:35 am.

That was the time that Shouto Todoroki found himself at work on Thursday morning.

That order from yesterday was not even close to finished, and time was ticking down. Tomorrow at nine thirty, someone was expecting these flowers for one of the biggest days of their life and it was his responsibility to provide them in, what was basically, no time.

Rei wouldn't even be awake until seven and from what he'd heard through the grapevine, Tsu was still sick, so this entire order was pretty much in his hands. Of course, this thought, rather than motivate him, only led to the frustrated banging of his forehead against the table.

Before gaining any serious head trauma, he managed to come up with a single, genius, idea. Coffee. In the ten minutes it took to walk here, he'd managed to down the travel mug he always brought along with him, rendering him coffeeless for the rest of the morning, truly devastating. He'd have to wait until six thirty but it'd be worth it, worth it, for the liquid gold. Perhaps there was another reason... nevermind that.

With a teensy bit of motivation, he forced himself to get back to work. Waiting out the time, turned out to be a much more difficult task than he'd anticipated.

However, he managed. Soon, the clocks turned, their hands pointing towards two glorious, long-awaited numbers. Setting the flowers in a bucket of water and that plant powder stuff, he grabbed his wallet and headed for the door.

There could have been a possible slight chance that maybe, potentially, there was the underlying prospect that he might have also wanted to see that incredibly pretty barista... but he had elected to keep denying that.

With a slight skip in his step, he pushed open the door, already thinking about what kind of coffee to get.

Disappointment violently stabbed his gut when his eyes met with the barista on duty. A woman, about his age, gave a friendly greeting, her auburn hair tumbling in-front of her blush dusted cheeks; most certainly not who he was hoping for. He could've sworn he recognized her from somewhere but he was a little to preoccupied to care. Sighing, he continued his journey to the counter, giving a quick glance to the menu.

Despite the dismay, he still wanted coffee and the coffee here was g o o d. Good enough to share... with a very deserving team of florists, who had been very overworked lately. He knew what they liked, and his fellow florists had definitely earned an 'office coffee'. For some reason that seemed to cheer him up.

"What can I get for you today?" Her bubbly, cheerful voice asked, as she was repellent to the morning exhaustion that drained any and every person who worked early morning shifts. (Hi guys)

That was a good question; what was he getting? Ooooh they had a butterfly pea flower drink, his mom loved those, mostly because it was naturally blue but also, it tasted good.

"Hello, could I um, get an iced caramel macchiato, and, um, butterfly pea tea latte." He should probably get something for Tsu too, even if she wouldn't be able to come into work he should still bring her something. "Oh, and uh, can I get an iced matcha latte."

"Okay! Is that everything?"

"Um, yes ma'am."

"Coolio, we'll have that ready in a few minutes."

"Thank you." He paid because he's not a criminal and took a seat at the bar-like counter top.

It was weirdly calming watching her make the drinks, though he got a bit bored towards the end and ended up on Pinterest, scrolling through floral inspiration and various other random things.

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