Chapter 10 -Airplane Mode-

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(We're going to skip over coffee boy for just a bit, sorry guys)

Sweater? Yeah, sure, whatever.

It was no secrete that packing wasn't Shouto's strong suit. Throwing thing in a duffle bag was much more, erm, his style.

According to his brother this event was a celebration of street art and reformation. An event to commemorate the artists who's hands brought beautiful murals to ugly dank alleyways, striking them with such gorgeous luster.

Streetwear, right, back on track. The attire of choice for this particular gallery, and the one style he had not clue about. Thankfully, Google was there to save the day, offering its god-par knowledge for his small clothing query. His closet supplied the rest and soon enough, his bags were packed.

That was the only thing left on his to-do list, leaving a good two hours before their Monday night flight.

Shoving his bag in the corner beside his door, he wandered off to check on his mom. He gave a courtesy knock on the door's frame, peeping his head in to see Rei.

"Need any help?" Sitting on the edge of her clothes-covered bed.

"I-I think I'll be okay. Did you pack everything you need? Toothbrush, hairbrush?" She asked, half-mumbling.

"Mm-hmm," offering a nod he averted his eyes, distracted by the small rainbows spattered on the hardwood by late afternoons sunlight. "We have some leftover sukiyaki, I was going to reheat some if you'd like?"

"No, no thank you dear." She murmured, something in her voice shaky. Traveling made Rei nervous, it wasn't subtle.

"Alright." Standing slowly, he tilted his head into the view of her rich silver eyes. "Don't worry too much, Maman."

"I know," with the reminder, she took a moment to just breath and calm her nerves. He put on a gentle smile before walking over to the kitchen for dinner.

The next two hours were relatively quiet, allowing Rei a decent amount of time to calm down before they needed get to the airport. Trying to make this as easy on her as possible he set her up a tea and book, urging her to take it easy while he stuffed their luggage in the car.

When the time came to go, they tramped through the chilly night air down in the dingy apartment garage, where the air hung still with musty frost. Their small car awaited patiently, perfect size for just the two of them and their stuff. Piling in, the icy pleather stung their legs, their steamy breath visible in the dim garage.

"'kay mama, ready to go?" Starting the engine, he gave a kind look, ensuring she'd have a moment to process before they left.

"I'm alright," a worried smile tugged at the corner of her lips, a hesitant green-light for the first leg of their travels.

With that, they were on their way to the airport, where a long night awaited.

They managed TSA without a hitch, with both their bags small enough to be carry-one the stress of losing your belongings to the void was eliminated. (Fuck you American Airlines you know what you did)

Despite the volume of their city's airport, people everywhere, intercoms and walkie-talkies shouting over each other, small shops and restaurants peppered with hungry people weary of their travels, the second they set foot in the gate, peace settled between the two.

It summed up to about thirty minutes of wait-time, a perfect allotment to unwind before climbing on the screeching metal bird.

Boarding soon came, and before they knew it they'd passed through the jet bridge, shuffled down the aisle, and were awaiting takeoff in their seats.

The flight was short, but even so, every second felt longer than the last. A screaming child seemed particularly frustrated with the situation and had decided that she'd make it everyone else's problem; going from screeching at the top of her lungs, to belting the ABCs whenever she felt necessary.

As if a blessing, the screaming-ABCs came to an abrupt end twenty minutes later, when the plane began its decent and she was given the offering of cookie.

Finally, nine o'clock marked the moment they returned to land. Kyoto's sparkling city lights greeting them, shining beautifully outside the airport window. Rei, a bit shaken up from the flight, took a brief pause to just enjoy the view, her soft breaths gently fogging the frosty glass that held the scenery outside.

Letting her have the break, he waited patiently, eyeing a delicious-smelling 24 hour bagel place while she gazed. They ventured on about the winding airport, eventually stumbling onto the rent-a-car place.

After a whole 'nother hullabaloo, the two were back on the road.

Eventually, their long journey came to a close for the night. Hotel check-in was surprisingly easy, and soon enough, Shouto was pushing open the door.

It was actually a really nice room. It looked like any-other hotel, the match-y decor, the fluffy bedspread, two beds, excessive pillows and funky lamps, it was as perfect as they could get on their budget.

Rei figured for the left bed, barely even dropping her suitcase before she pulled the blankets over herself and flipping on the tv. It was clear she was exhausted, they both were.

Her son pretty much followed suit, taking a moment to put on some pjs before crashing into the comfort of a warm bed.

Of course, the second he settled into the comforter, his phone began to buzz with a call.

"Damn." He muttered under his breath, reaching for the device. He barely even gave a glance to the caller, since anyone calling at nine thirty at night probably had good reason. Fumbling to answer he flopped back, staring blankly at the ceiling, while the device connected.

"Oh, uh, hi," a nervous, yet striking, voice greeted. The familiar tone rung in his ears like a violent clap of thunder, shaking formerly overwhelming exhaustion for an awkward friendliness...

I wish I could eat Easter grass ( ・̥̥̥ )

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