Chapter 4 -Across the Street-

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Sorry this took so long for how short it is

Midoriya couldn't help but give a little smile as the boy from the window jogged across the street taking a messy sip of coffee as he hurried back into the florists shop where he worked.

He wouldn't lie, the guy was pretty cute. Something about the mismatched, patchwork-like, look of the boy was so adorable, and the way he fumbled around talking was just so endearingly sweet.

It wasn't the first time he'd seen the florist, well beside yesterday. Frequently, when he glanced out the window he could catch a glance at him, walking to an fro' work, helping out a customer, or redesigning the window with his mother, he kind of thought of it like a special treat of sorts. He couldn't help but be a tad excited to have finally talked with this boy he watched so dotingly through the thin veil of the window.

Their brief interaction only piqued his interest, the scent of jasmine and lemongrass radiated off him, the almost oversaturated depth to his eyes, gleaming with morning light, even that mysterious scar wrapping the left side of his face with an elusively dark story. It was like a painting come to life, he was always staring from afar and at last he was stepping into the brush-strokes that built a world that now invited him in.

Ding! The front door chortled, pulling the grenette away from the daydreamy thoughts, back to work where he sat, washing dirty dishes.

An around middle aged man entered, ordering a surprisingly sugary drink that severely contrasted his exhausted, brooding look. It seemed mundane, but this was one of his favorite drinks to make, very few ordered it but it was like a little gem on their menu.

This guy was just the beginning though, the beginning of the morning rush.

Morning rush was both the best and the worst part of his job. It made great business but good lord was it exhausting. Drink after drink for a solid three and a half hours there wasn't a break until eleven thirty, the brief pause before the slightly slower lunch rush.

Thankfully the late afternoon slowed but, by that time his shift moved to the kitchen. Though today, unlike most was a pastry restock which meant the rest of the afternoon was going to be drown in the kitchen. Today he just couldn't catch a break, could he?

Finishing you the rest of his lunch, he washed off his hands, meandering into the kitchen. Currently the shelves were in need of muffins and cinnamon rolls, two fairly easy, but tedious pastries to make.

Grabbing the recipes he decided to start with the muffins, because he liked the better, literally no other reason.

Sighing, he grabbed the ingredients, one-by-one setting them out on the kitchen counter along with measuring instruments and a few bowls, just the necessities. Last week he'd learned his lesson, making sure to avoid any mishaps, he grabbed an apron before he started.

"Hi hon, I'll be on the cash register if you need anything." His mother piped up seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oki-doki," Flashing a quick thumbs-up he got back to work, oddly determined to finish early.

Thankfully the process took much shorter than he'd anticipated, and around three thirty he was  stocking the displays with fresh, warm, muffins and cinnamon rolls. There was one dude who was very excited by the ordeal and promptly purchased several pastries, which had seemed quite entertaining at the time.

As the sun came to a steady fall, so to did the flow of customers. Five thirty, as usual, brought an end to the work day, though it discounted the deal of cleaning to do before lock-up, which left the true days end to about six. (*yammers about time*)

Ochako was still out that day, but Aoyama was in attendance and once more a fantastic help in closing. A help that they would need tomorrow, since the upcoming day was Inko's birthday, and they were taking a half day to celebrate with her. Though, this leisure left their morning jam-packed. It was fine though, she deserved much more than the few things he'd planned for.

Jeez, that was a tangent. The freckled boy thought as he washed a mug. He'd been quite scatterbrained this last leg of the day and was trying to just shut his brain up so he could just finish this day.
After the lengthy, wild ride, this particular day had taken him on, Izuku was eager to finally sit down and enjoy a warm chicken taco, it was exactly what he needed. Chicken taco.

The food sufficed but his bed was a godsend. The warm, lilac-scented comforter pulled him into the gentle hands of sleep. Putting to rest the loopy, swirling, thoughts, or rather questions about that strangely enthralling boy who'd waltzed his way into the forefront of the young man's mind.

All wonders and excitements quieting as he was lulled to sleep by the AC's soothing purr. Awaiting the next day's dawn to resurface.

I'm gonna be honest, I'm actually loving writing this story.

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