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"ALRIGHT Javon get the flour please" I spoke as I grabbed the sugar from the pantry.

"Okay" Javon said before he went and grabbed the flour, me and Javon were going to attempt to make cookies, Javon brought the flour over and set it onto the counter, we added all the ingredients together and I was about to start scooping the cookie dough onto a tray until Jaden walked into the kitchen and dug his finger into the dough and licked it off his finger.

"Ew get ur nasty fingers out of here" I spoke as I pushed Jaden away, Jaden grabbed some flour and blew it into my face before he ran out of the kitchen laughing, this mf always starting shit I swear, I rubbed the flour off my face but then I heard someone laughing I turned around to see Javon sitting there laughing at me.

"Are you seriously laughing" I said as I gave him a serious look.

"Yeah that was funny as fuck" Javon spoke as he continued to laugh at me, I smirked at him before I grabbed some flour and threw it at him, Javon instantly stopped laughing and looked at me.

"That's what you get" I said as I looked away from Javon and started to scoop the dough onto a pan, I then felt an egg get cracked onto my head, I gasped as I turned around and looked at Javon who was just smiling.

"What the hell" I laughed as I looked at Javon, I grabbed some water and dumped it on his head, he laughed as he grabbed some more flour and threw it at me, then a full on food fight started and me and Javon were literally running around the kitchen as we threw food at each other we finally stopped and looked at the mess me made, eggs and flour were thrown around the kitchen and chocolate chips scattered across the counter, there was also a bunch of water spilled all over the floor, I looked over at Javon who looked just a surprised as me.

"What is going on in her- what the hell" jayla said as she looked at the kitchen.

"Okay before you asked Jaden started all of this" I spoke as I looked at Jayla.

"I started wha- how the hell did I start this" Jaden spoke as he looked at me then over to Javon.

"Okay you blew flour into my face first, and that just started this whole mess" I said as I put my hands up in defence.

"Well you guys better clean this up before my parents get home" Jayla said before she exited the kitchen, Jaden stood there and laughed as he looked at us.

"What are you laughing at ur helping clean this up" Javon spoke as he walked over to the sink and grabbed a cloth.

"What why?" Jaden said acting all confused

"Bro I did start all of this" I spoke as rolled my eyes, jaden groaned before he started to grab things and put them away.

Editors notes.

Sorry this one is short.

3 nights - Javon walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now