ACTING, javon

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This imagine was requested by @amilliaholland


"ARE YOU READY to film your scene" Javon asked as he walked up to me, we were on set of euphoria filming my characters last scene, it was after ashtray had died my character Riley had seen them take ash's body out of the house.

"Yeah" I spoke as I smiled at Javon, they called me over so we could start filming.

"Okay y/n you are going to sit in the bedroom, then you are going to "take the drugs" and that will be it" the director spoke to me, I nodded my head as I walked up to my "bedroom" and sat down on the bed, the director started rolling the cameras, I started crying as I pulled my knees close to my chest.

"You know this might sound dumb, but I always thought we would be together forever" I spoke as I looked at a photo of ashtray, the camera came closer to my face as I set the photo of ashtray down beside me.

"Hopefully we can still be together" I spoke before I leaned over and grabbed the bottle of pills, I took them before I laid down on the bed.

"I love you ash" I spoke before I closed my eyes and everything went dark.

"Cut" the director yelled, the lights came back on and I opened my eyes and pushed my self off of the bed, I walked over to Javon who was smiling at me.

"Well people are going to be mad at us" Javon spoke as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah for real tho" I said as I smiled at him, me and Javon walked over to his trailer, we walked in and sat down on the couch, I laid down as I shut my eyes.

"Fuck is tired" I groaned out, I felt Javon lay down next to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Same" Javon spoke.

"I cant wait so see everyone's reactions to ash and Riley's deaths" I said quietly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Everyone is probably going to freak out" Javon laughed slightly.

Editors notes.
My FYP is filled with euphoria videos,

3 nights - Javon walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now