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This imagine was requested by @trotterkylie


"JAYLA" I said happily as I walked into her bedroom smiling, she smiled widely as she got off of her bed and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you so much" Jayla said as she hugged me tightly.

"I missed you too" I spoke as I pulled away from the hug, I hopped onto her bed and Jayla did the same.

"How was California?" She asked as she later back against the head board.

"It was awesome, I had to spend most of the time with my grandma, because my sister is greedy and wouldn't visit with my grandma even this that's the reason we went" I ranted, Jayla laughed as she continued to listen to me rant on about how annoying my sister was being.

Jayla's bedroom door opened up as Jaden and Javon walked in, I rolled my eyes playfully as Javon ran over to me, he then jumped on top of me.

"Ow wanna get off of me" I groaned out as I tried to push him off of me, he laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you" Javon whispered.

"Why don't u guys just date already?" Jayla asked, me and Javon looked at Jayla before we looked back at each other.

"Jayla me and wanna are just friends" I said as I laughed slightly.

"Yeah best friends" Javon said as he smiled at me.

"Oh so best friends constantly flirt with each other?" Jaden asked as he smirked at us.

"Yes" Javon said back to Jaden.

"You guys would be a cute couple" Jayla said as she smiled at me and Javon.

"Come on y/n let's go to my room" Javon said annoyed as he got off of Jayla's bed, I nodded before I started to follow him.

"Yeah y/n go with him to his room" Jayla said from behind us, i laughed as I continued to follow Javon to his bedroom, we sat on his bed in complete silence for awhile until Javon spoke up.

"Y/n" he said quietly, I looked over at him as I spoke.

"Yeah" I asked, he looked down at the ground nervously before he looked back up at me, he started to lean in and so did I, my hands went around his neck as we continued to kiss but the sound of giggling made us instantly pull away, I looked over at the door to see daelo standing there laughing.

"Hi daelo" I said awkwardly as I smiled slightly.

"Hii" he said as he continued to laugh, he then turned around and bolted out of Javon's room, me and Javon ran after him.

"Jaden,Jayla" daelo yelled out as he ran into Jayla's room.

"What?" Jaden said as he looked at Daelo confused.

"Y/n and Javon k-'' Daelo started to started to say but Javon out his hand over daelo's mouth.

"They did what?" Jayla asked as she smirked at me and Javon.

"We did nothing" I said quietly as I awkwardly stood next to Javon and daelo.

"They kissed" Daelo yelled out as he pulled Javon's hand off of his face, Jaden gasped dramatically well Jayla just sat there laughing.

"You guys already kiss u might as well start dating" Jaden said as he rolled his eyes at me and Javon, I smiled at Javon as I seen a light blush cover his cheeks.

Editors notes.

3 nights - Javon walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now