DANCE, javon

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This imagine was requested by @azaleeiaaa


I FELT EXTREMELY NERVOUS as we drove to my dance competition, I was sitting in the back seat in my moms car with Javon, Javon could tell I was nervous so he took my hand into his.

"Don't worry you're going to be amazing" he spoke to me, I smiled at him before I rested my head onto his shoulder, I loved having Javon around before my dance performances because he made me calm down, like he made me feel not as nervous, I don't know how the fuck he could do that but he could and loved him for that, I loved how he would notice if I was nervous or scared or even sad.

I hugged Javon tightly before I walked to the back of the stage and found my dance team, I got ready and did my makeup and everything before I started to stretch, I took a deep breath before I walked over to the stage and waited for them to call my name, once they did I waited until the music started playing before I walked out, I looked at the audience and tried not to smiled when I seen Javon smiling widely at me.

(Sorry for skipping that part, I know nothing about dance and I didn't want to write like anything if I didn't know exactly what I was writing about)

I walked over to Javon and my mom and i was immediately pulled into a tight hug by Javon, I immediately hugged him back before I pulled away and looked at him, he was smiling widely at me, blushed slightly when he gave me a peck on my lips.

"You did so good" he spoke as he continued to look at me.

"I got like 4th tho" I spoke to him.

"So, you still did really good" he said, I pulled away from the hug and looked over at my mom.

"You did wonderful sweetheart" my mom spoke as she gave me a sweet smile.

"Thank you mom" I said as I smiled back at her, we all left the place and headed back over to my moms car, as we started to drive off I got a call from Jayla.

"Hi jay" I said as I smiled at her.

"Y/n you did amazing" she somewhat yelled as she smiled big.

"Wait how do u know?" I asked confused.

"Javon sent me a video" she said as she smirked at me, I turned to look at Javon who was blushing.

"You took a video of me?" I asked as I poked his shoulder.

"Hell yeah, i always take videos of your performances" he said as he continued to blush at me, I smiled widely before I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Editors notes.
Sorry for the short chapter you guys, I promise I will try get another chapter out as soon as possible!!

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