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This imagine was requested by someone but I'm so sorry I can't find the @

So if u requested this story THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


"WHAT THE HELL" I whispered to myself as I looked through my phone, it was my birthday but no body had wished me a happy birthday, not even my best friend Jayla.

I sighed before I walked out of my closet and to my bedroom door, it had to be a joke right, Jayla could never forget my birthday, I walked down stairs and into the kitchen to see my mom and sister holding a cupcake with a lit candle on it.

"Happy birthday to you" my mom and sister starting singing, I smiled widely as I sat down at the table, they both walked over to me and my mom set the cupcake down in front of me, I made a wish before I quickly blew out the candle.

"Happy birthday y/n" my little sister spoke as she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you" I said as I hugged my sister.

"So what are your plans for today" my mom asked excitedly as she sat down beside me.

"I don't know I'm probably just going to go hang out with Jayla and Kylee" I spoke as I pulled the candle out of the cupcake and set it onto the table.

"Well me and Rosie are going to the store, I hope you have a great time with Jayla and Kylee, love you lots" my mom spoke as she stood up, she planted a quick kiss onto my head.

"Okay" I said as I smiled at her, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and noticed Jayla and Kylee still hadn't wished me a happy birthday so I decide to text our group chat.



Hey y/n


what are you guys doing today?

Me and Jayla were thinking about going to the beach

Yeah but we haven't really decided

oh okay

What are you doing today?

I was just going to watch some movies or something


Did they really forget my birthday?

I know I should have told them it was my birthday but I didn't want them to feel bad about forgetting it, fuck.

I grabbed my garbage from off of the table and threw it into the trash before I headed outside, Laid down on the couch we had outside, I looked over at the pool and watched as the reflection of the sun danced on the water, I watched as a basket ball flew over my fence and fell into the water, what the fuck.

The gate pushed open and Javon walked into my backyard.

"What do u want?" I asked kind of annoyed, he rolled his eyes at me before he started to speak.

"I came to grab my ball idiot" he spoke back as he walked over to the pool to get his ball.

"Why aren't you with Jayla and Kylee, I though u guys would be together since it's your birthday" he said as he struggled to get the ball out of the water.

"You know it's my birthday?" I said kind of surprise he knew.

"No" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Just get your ball" I said annoyed.

"Wait but for real why aren't u with them" he said as he looked over at me.

"They forgot about my birthday" I spoke in a somewhat sad tone.

"Actually?" Javon asked as he turned his full attention to me.

"Yeah" i spoke as I rested my head in my hands, there was complete silence for a bit until I had heard footsteps approaching me, I looked up to see Javon.

"Come on" he said as grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the couch.

"What" I said confused on what he was doing.

"Yeah we might not like each other but there is no way I am letting u sit here by yourself on your birthday" he spoke as he pulled over to his house, I smiled to myself at how kind he was acting towards me, for the rest of the day we made tiktoks and just hung out, we even tried to make a cake which completely failed, at the beginning of the day I was disappointed that Jayla and Kylee had forgotten about my birthday but it ended up being a pretty good birthday just getting to hang out with Javon.

Editor notes.
I hope you guys like this!!!!

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