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This imagine was requested by @Ghostface_loser


"HOW DO YOU do that?" My sister Taylor questioned as I did a cartwheel.

"I don't know" i say back as I watch her try to attempt to do a cartwheel, I look over at the side walk and see a little boy walking down the sidewalk.

"Are you by yourself?" I asked the kid as I tried to look around for an adult.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Do You know your parents numbers?" I asked as I walked over to the kid.

"I think so" he said as he told me the phone number, I dialled the number and waited for someone to pick up the phone.

"What's your name?" I asked as I continued to wait for someone to answer.

"Daelo" he replied, I nodded before someone answered the phone.

"Hello?" A voice spoke through the phone.

"Hi um I found daelo wandering around" I spoke.

"Fuck" he whispered.

"Where are you guys?" He asked, I gave him my address before I hung up.

"You can come wait over here" I said as I brought daelo over to my sister, Taylor introduced herself to daelo and they started to have a conversation.

I started scrolled through my phone for a few minutes until someone came running down the sidewalk and stopped in front of me, Taylor and daelo.

"Daelo i told u not to leave the yard" He spoke.

"I wanted to go to the park" Daelo said back as he stood up.

"Thanks for watching him" the guy spoke.

"Yeah no problem" I said back as I gave him a smile which he returned.

"I'm Jaden" he said.

"I'm y/n" I replied back, he nodded before him and daelo started to walk away, but Jaden quickly turned around.

"Can I get your Snap?" He asked, I nodded before I told him what it was, he smiled at me before him and daelo left.

"Awe look you got a boyfriend" Taylor teased as she ran away from me, I rolled my eyes at here before I went inside.


"What's up?" Jaden asked through the phone, me and him have been talking for about a week now.

"Nothing" I spoke before I took a sip of my juice.

"I was wondering if u wanted to like go on a date or something" he asked nervously, I sat there and thought for a second, I mean after he lost his little brother I found him kind of irresponsible.

"Sure" I spoke, even tho I found him kind of irresponsible I should still give him a chance.

"Really?" He said kind of surprised.

"Yeah" i said as I smiled.

Editors notes.

3 nights - Javon walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now