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BABYDOLL BY Dominic fike played as I brushed my hair, I sang along to the song as I stood in front of the mirror.

"I can't move on babydoll" I sang as I walked out of my bathroom.

"You're not a very good singer" Javon spoke as he pushed my bedroom door open and walked over to my bed and laid down on it.

"Where the fuck did you even come from?" I said confused as I looked at the boy.

"From my house where else?" He said as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Well why did u decide to come to my house?" I said before I turned around and walked into my closet to get a hoodie.

"Because I was board" Javon said as I walked back out of my closet.

"Oh" I spoke before I laid down on my bed beside him, then Stan by Eminem started to play.

"My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all, the morning rain clouds up my window" I sang as I looked up at the ceiling.

"How can u listen to these songs" Javon spoke from beside me.

"What do you mean?" I said as I looked over at him.

"Well like these songs are kinda messed up" he said slowly as he looked at me.

"I don't know it's probably cause I like relate to them I guess" I said as I sat up from my bed, I turned to look at Javon before I got off my bed and walked back into the bathroom and started to do my makeup, Javon followed me and sat down on the counter as he watched me do my makeup, I looked up at Javon who looked really concentrated on what I was doing, I looked down at my phone and switched the song, the song she wants my money by Dominic started to play.

"I won't wait for you if all u want is my money" I sang as I looked over at Javon smiling.

"Your music sucks" Javon said as he rolled his eyes.

"Bro shut up you the music u listen to is trash" I said as looked away from him, Javon laughed a little.

"You know I used to like you" I spoke as I leaned closer to the mirror.

"Wait what" Javon spoke out confused as he turned to me.

"Yeah I used to have the biggest crush on you" I said, Javon was staring at me with his eyes wide.

"Bro why didn't u tell me this sooner" he said as he looked away from me.

"Well I mean how was I supposed to tell my best friend I had a crush on him" I spoke as I leaned away from the mirror and looked at Javon who was looking at the wall.

"I used to like you too" Javon said quietly as he turned to look at me, a surprised look appeared on my face as he said that.

"Actually" I spoke as I started to walk into my bedroom, I heard Javon hop down from the counter and follow behind me.

"Yeah" he spoke as he followed behind me.

"Wow" I said kind of loudly.

"Wow what" Jayla spoke as she walked into my bedroom with Jaden following behind her.

"Javon just told me he used to like me" I said as I looked over at Jayla who just smirked at me and Javon.

"What do u mean he used to like you? He still does" Jaden spoke as looked at Javon, Jayla hit Jaden in the arm before she looked back at me, I turned to look a Javon who was giving Jaden a dirty look.

"You still like me?" I said confused as I looked over at Jaden and Jayla then back at Javon.

"Um maybe you guys should talk this out" Jayla said as she started walking out of my room while she pulled Jaden along.

"Javon is Jaden saying the truth? Cause you know sometimes he's just acting crazy" I said as I laughed a little before I turned my attention back to Javon who was just standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Uh yeah" he spoke quietly as he avoided eye contact with me.

"Wow, Um I don't know how to feel" I said as I sat down on my bed.

"Look I get you don't like me back, hopefully me liking you doesn't fuck everything up" Javon said as he looked over at me.

"I'm Gonna go" Javon said before he left my bedroom leaving me alone with my thoughts, fuck y/n why didn't you just tell him you liked him back fuck, now he thinks you don't have any feelings towards him

Editors notes.
Hope you guys enjoy, and if u want a pt 2 tell me<3

3 nights - Javon walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now