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This imagine was requested by @eviemaguire


"OKAY GUYS, today I'm going to be doing a hickey prank on Jaden" I spoke to the camera in front of me as I set it up on my vanity.

"Alright so Jaden is coming over in like 20 minutes so I'm going to like make a fake hickey on my neck the I'll like hide the camera" I said as I grabbed some makeup and started to put some one on my neck, after I finished I grabbed the camera and set it up on my dresser so it was hiding behind a picture frame but it could still see a good view of my door and bed.

"Alright Jaden should be here like any minute now" I said to the camera before I walked over to my bed and sat down and scrolled through my phone for a bit until Jaden walked into my bedroom, he smiled as he walked over to me, I sat up off of my bed and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey babe" I said as I rested my arms around Jaden's neck.

"I missed you" he said quietly as he looked at me.

"I seen you yesterday" I laughed as I looked at him as he smiled at me, he just laughed before he leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back quickly before I pulled away, I pulled my hoodie over my neck and threw it onto the ground, I was wearing a t shirt that showed the "hickey" so as soon as I pulled it over my head Jaden had gave me a look, I quickly turned around so it was no longer visible.

"Ay what was that?" Jaden spoke from behind me, I stayed with my back turned to him as I spoke.

"What?" I said not looking at him.

"On your neck?" He said as he tried to look but I just pushed him away.

"Oh uh I burnt my self with my straightener" I lied as I turned to look at him. He tried to move my hair so he could get a better look I quickly swatted his hand away before I sat down on my bed.

"Okay then" Jaden spoke quietly as he sat down beside me, fuck I was so nervous on how this prank would go, I then felt Jaden quickly move my hair and look down at my neck, I looked over at him a saw his face instantly turn sad.

"Yo that's not from me, who did u get that from?" He spoke as he looked at me.

"I told u that's a burn mark" I said as I moved my hair back in front of my neck.

"That's a fucking hickey not a burn, y/n I'm not stupid" Jaden spoke harshly as he looked at me.

"Jaden it's nothing just forget about it" I said as I looked away from him and down to the ground.

"No I'm not going to forget about it, when my girlfriend has a hickey from someone else" he said as he stood up from my bed.

"Babe calm down" I said as I looked up at him, he looked fucking mad.

"Don't call me that, I think we should take a break" Jaden said before he started to leave my room, I quickly got up and grabbed the camera before I ran over to Jaden who was almost at the stairs.

"Baby it was a prank" I said laughing as ran over to him, he instantly turned around and looked at me, he literally looked sad.

"What" he said as he looked at the camera in my hand, I pulled him into a hug, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Awe jade I'm so sorry" I said as I turned the camera off, Jaden pulled away from the hug pushed my hair past my neck and looked at the "hickey" he rubbed his finger across it and smiled when he seen it rub off.

"Don't ever do that to me again" he said as he laughed at me.

"I'm sorry, I won't" I said as I smiled at him.

Editors notes.
Well here's a new chapter! I hope u guys like it

And thank you guys all so fucking much for 18k reads I REALLY APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU GUYS!!!!

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