Boys And Their Toys

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Christian and Elliott wasn't thrilled that a two year old was following them around all afternoon. Finally Austin needed a nap along with the fours babies. Gail and I were so grateful that they laid down for a nap. Things like this women do a lot if the work. The guys cook the meats and a few of the other things, but we cook all the sides and desserts and set the table get drinks ready clean up and wash dishes. Gail brought some good things over to accompany the the rest of the items. It was a good day, we spoke about how Anastasia, Mia and Tia looked a lot alike. Raymond said he and Jason tried to find Jane Smith but there were so many they couldn't do it at this point. None that were recognizable.  After that we decided to move on to a more comfortable subject.
I think Grace was testing the waters regarding the triplets. Raymond just moved the conversation to a safer topic like fishing in the area and if was any good now? Jason chuckled and went to get Austin from his nap so he wouldn't be up at night. Carrick walks up and asks if Austin and Ray would like to check out our boat and look at the fishing equipment in the boat house. I told Jason and Ray to keep him out of the water. They went down to the boat house and Grace and I finished the clean up and went to get the girls up so we could change their diapers and give them a bottle.
I know it's wrong but I want to know if Anastasia is the missing triplet. So I get DNA swabs from all three and I get what DNA I could from Raymond and have a student drop by to pick up the samples to be tested. I go to my office and give him all the labeled samples and tell him to run for paternal and familial connections. I am unsure where I will stand if Mia and Tia are Anastasia's sisters. I would really be heartbroken if Raymond is their father and he takes them from us. He seems like a good person and would think of the babies needs first. Carrick catches me sending out the samples and he says I am making a huge mistake in doing this. I tell him I need to know.
After finding her giving the DNA samples to her student I wait until he leaves and shut the door to have a chat with her. I tell her that now that she has taken this action she should be prepared for the worst and if Ray is their father we might lose Mia and Tia. After what happened with the hospital it might be caught anyway, but she is making sure of documentation exist showing if he is or isn't the triplets father. Right now the hospital is still trying to figure what is going on right now and trying to find the right paperwork from the time all the issues that happened to create such havoc.
I am betting that Grace just sent for DNA testing, she could have just asked me and we could have done it at the hospital or her office. I guess since she barely knows me she wasn't sure how I would react. It isn't like I didn't test Anastasia and find out that she is mine from the test results say. The doctor was wrong and I am able to have children. I am going to get retested so I am sure either way. I still don't recall what Jane smith looks like or is like though. If I saw her I might recall her.
We suspected Grace might do a DNA test without telling us, but we hoped she would approach Ray to ask him to help with it, but he is afraid he might lose Anastasia. He told me that it could be a huge coincidence and even if they are Anastasia's sisters He couldn't take them from the only family they know. He would hope no one would take Anastasia from him.
I finish getting things ready to take back home and Austin is still trying to catch a fish. Jason finally gets him to put the things up and get his fish ready to take home to clean. I look at it and tell them you caught it you clean it. Austin looks at me and says do they need a bath mommy in his baby voice. I just laugh and say have your daddy explain about cleaning a fish. Sometimes it is hard to see him as a two year old he is very smart. Christian and Elliott are helping put things away and getting the trash cleaned up and the dishes washed and things ready to send home with us.
I go help carry the things out to Jason's car and Elliot Carrie's Anastasia's things out yo the car. Austin is trying to carry his mom's purse for her. It's cute.
I tell Austin we could try to fish again. He smiles and says he will think about it. I rub his head and he laughs at me and gets in his car seat. His dad straps him in and the babies are put in as well. Ray, Gail and Jason get in the front seat and waves good bye to us all.
A week later the results come back and the results are not what was hoped for.
I look at the results and Raymond is definitely their father. I am very upset, but call Carrick and he says to leave it for now and not rock the boat for now. He says he has  to check somethings and he will see where we stand and to let him look into everything and where we would come out if a legal battle took place over the girls.

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