Dancing Fools

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I take Ingrid out on the dance floor and we invite Austin and Haley to join us. This is for our beautiful wives and in place of the wedding dance we missed.
Such a romantic mr Steele.
For you I will always be romantic. We will do father and daughter dances next for Austin and Haley.
This makes me miss my parents. My grandparents would love you had they not died before you met me. Well finally a knowledge me that is.
Haley and her father are dancing and Gary and Ingrid are still dancing and I see tears in her eyes and realize she has no one left of her family. She has told Haley she wants children as soon as they can afford them. I have all kinds of family and we will be having children when she is ready to have them and no sooner. My mom and dad live modestly, but they are multimillionaires in their own right and we all have trust funds. I haven't told Haley that for fear of scaring her away. I am dancing with her mother who is threatening to hurt me if I hurt her one and only baby. I tell her it is not in my nature to hurt anyone unless it us to save an innocent victim. I recall that night and how three huge guys were dragging her off with them. I called 911 and my security and we got Haley safely away from the men and blocked them from grabbing her again and I was just about to knock one guy out when the cop hit my arm so bad it broke it. They handcuffed all of until Haley cleared everything up and we were taken to the hospital for treatment after they took the cuffs off me and apologized to me. I knew it was nit intentional, they just didn't know who the bad guys were yet. Finally the dance us over and Haley comes over to us with her father.
This is not as good as the wedding we saved for, but it was welcomed and he is a good man and her hero. Maybe we can see about a ceremony at a later time. They are leaving on their honeymoon tonight. I will miss them both.
Haley says she has gifts for her mom and I and it involves communication with her so we won't be so lonely. She has had internet installed in our home and Austin has paid for three years of service. A IT person will be coming by in the morning to setup their iPads and iPhones again Austin is paying for all of it. He wants us to be able to contact her at all times and the other way around. Colin Davies from GEH is sending guys over to set it all up for us.
I will need to clean the place up then. We don't have guests a lot and not sure what they will be doing. Gregg says it so we can keep in touch with Haley when we want to. Austin says we can video chat if we like. He says the it guys will show them how to do it and we can call them any time we need help. I hand them our wedding gift to them. It is my grandparents cabin, we had it restored and updated for them. Mr Grey gave us the family discount, which was barely anything. He said it can be his contribution to the wedding gift.
When they opened up the floor for dancing I took Kate onto the dance floor and spun her around and we started dancing. It was amazing she followed every step with me. We danced a lot and went and sat down with the others, most of the older people had left. Christian is talking to the A team and sitting between Anastasia and Tia. Not sure how Ray would feel about that at all. I see the newlyweds have left. Carla and Craig are enjoying dancing and Fran is being danced with by a friends family member. Fran might be in a wheelchair but she isn't very old.
Looks like Christian has found a new love interest. But there are three of them. Then I notice he is paying more attention to Anastasia than Mia or Tia. He gets up and asks the one I think is Anastasia to dance. They start dancing and he is leading her around very slowly.
I ask Anastasia to dance with me, I can tell the difference in the three because they have separate personalities and Anastasia wears a perfume I like very much and she wears a color that goes with her eyes all the time. Plus she is more outgoing than Mia and Tia are. We get to the dance floor and we fit together very well.
I get up and start dancing with Christian and the guys who were waiting for Christian to leave the table finally go to chat with Mia and Tia. I told them that tonight would be a good time to try to ask them out but Frank and Toby Davidson weren't sure if they would even look at them twice. Mia and Tia were hoping they would notice them all four are very shy. So now they are sitting together and finally they get up to dance. Christian gets my attention and asks me if we could go someplace quiet to talk and get coffee or tea.
I want to be alone with Anastasia and she thinks about it and finally she agrees to it but since she drove everyone here she needed to give someone the valet ticket so they can get the van. I go with her to be sure everyone gets home safely. I alert Sawyer to get my driver to come get us now.
I give Mia the valet ticket so they can get the van and drive themselves home. The Davidsons are still with them and they are star struck seeing Christian here. We finally leave after he answers a few questions.

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