GEH Grand Opening

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Kate has the list of who I want at the grand opening of GEH. Vanessa is flying to New York because she thinks Seattle doesn't have the kind of attire suitable for a future billionaire's fiancé. I happen to know she is very wrong, mom always wear very nice attire and they have better than some of the things I have seen her wear. I wished she could slow down on the clothing, she has too much already. I hope she hasn't forgotten we will be living in Seattle and not New York or Paris after we get married. She wanted to bring her parents out but they thought it was below them to travel here to meet my family and they said it directly to me. I could care less if they meet any of my family after that. She is bringing her sister to meet Elliott. Kate is really wanting me to introduce them and today I will. Vanessa finally made it here for the party and Syndi Waters is too rude for me. My housekeeper Dana Jones has informed me that Vanessa has been nothing but a slave driver and she will quit if she doesn't treat her with respect and that means when she is off the clock she doesn't have to wait on her every second if the day after all she wasn't hired to be one. I agreed and had a chat with Vanessa that ended up telling me to get rid of Dana. I told her just to follow the rules and everything will be fine. It didn't last long at all. Now Vanessa and Syndi have double teamed Dana. I gave Dana two weeks vacation and told the prima Dina's they will be cleaning up after themselves. We were taught to respect others even people who work in our household. Especially those people. Today will be fun to see, because I just know those two won't do a thing to clean up after themselves. I clean up my messes and pick up my clothing and sometimes I microwave food. Dana also cooked for us.
We arrive with the rest of the family following us. Jason, Sam, Ray, and their wives and kids. Anastasia drove her siblings and Austin. I think Austin likes Tia she is the quietest of the six. The younger children wanted to stay home and we allowed them to.
It looks great as we pull up to the place and we are welcomed inside after showing our invitations and ID's and everyone is dressed very nicely except Syndi and Vanessa, this is a daytime event evening dresses are a little gauche. I guess they have never been to a daytime event. I snicker and Grace shushes me. I catch up with Ray, Sam, Jason and Elliott. I see the A team arrive and all the women surround them. Carla and Craig have brought Fran Anderson. She looks pretty good for her age. Ella and Carl join us as well. Roz and Gwen are being sized up by Vanessa and Syndi. I see the look Roz gives her after she acknowledged her. I don't think many people like them at all. Vanessa latches herself onto Christian as she sees him talking to Kate. Elliott went straight to Christian to get an introduction to Kate. But Syndi intervened and swayed him away from meeting Kate. That didn't last long as he went straight back to meet Kate. I noticed her glare at Kate and Kate grinned back at her. Shortly after that Elliott disappeared with Kate. He apparently was giving her a private tour of the building that she already works in lol.
Good Lord Syndi could have spread her legs in front of him she was that obvious and Elliott only had eyes for Kate. Isn't there like 8 years difference in them. Syndi looks like she is thirty or so. Vanessa told her to keep it down, but she got loud about Kate and told Vanessa to have her fired when she got control of GEH. We have to tell Christian what was said.
I doubt we will need to look at who he talking to now.
I see Anastasia smiling at Christian and her team behind her they seem to be enjoying each other's company. Until Vanessa walks up and butts into the conversations and starts belittling Anastasia. I see Anastasia say something back and the look on Vanessa's face was livid.
I hear listen you bitch who are you to say anything about my attire. Then I hear Anastasia laugh and say well look around you are the only two idiots wearing evening dresses and tacky ones at that. Those aren't worth much honey, I am betting you had that from five years ago and spent Christian's money on other things and nothing on a nice dress for today. I look and Anastasia has hit the mark those aren't any designer I know yet she is spending enough money she could have bought the perfect dress but neither one did. Dana told me Christian gave her vacation because these two treated her like their own personal slave. After she let Christian know they were spoken to and they treated even worse saying she couldn't prove it. Dana just laughed and told them to pick up after themselves and went her quarters. Now they have to wait in theirselves and cook and clean and if they don't they can live elsewhere. She was told that a cleaning team will be in to clean up after them kitchen wise if need be. He won't allow them to run his staff off ever.
You do know that she was right about your dresses and you both knew it. You started that battle and a lot more. Did you think I wouldn't find out that you told Dana she was fired? You aren't my wife yet and I don't like how you, your friend and your family are acting like God's down from Mount Olympus. Colin comes over with his very pregnant wife and I introduce him to Vanessa and Syndi. Syndi makes some snide comment about Colin's wife not being pretty enough to be Colin's wife.
You see that is where you are wrong she is beautiful in every way, you however looks like hookers and ugly ones at that, peopke are laughing at you for wearing cheap knockoffs when I have seen how much you spent in New York in the last week. I also heard that you didn't bring those mens suits or the mens rings and Rolexes back to Seattle as a surprise for your fiancé. Mr Grey I think you need to speak with Robert soon before this cow thinks she owns GEH. Don't sign anything before you read through it. I have a dvd that I helped Welch compile and your Vanessa and Syndi have placed documents on your desk in the to get signed stack. I turn and show him the video and hearing them say two signatures and the company is all Vanessa's.
Is that true? What am I saying the video is clearly saying it. Keep the ring you and your lame parents will need the money you get for it and your accounts will be closed right now. I call my bank and transfer every penny out if our joint account and I have it closed immediately. Then I have Welch close off all Vanessa's loans and credit cards. Then I call the leasing agent and tell him we aren't going to be needing the new apartment any more. I already bought an apartment in New York as a huge surprise. I hadn't had time to read my emails on coverts and their reports on Vanessa's actions. I ask Welch to get someone to box Vanessa and Syndi's things up and get her on a commercial flight economy class back to her parents home. Change the locks and the codes on everything and email them to me.
I watch as security takes hold if Vanessa and Syndi and leaves with them. I am so glad you got rid of her. I found something in the pile to be signed and pulled it before you signed them. I saw them come from your office laughing about owning GEH and throwing us both out on or ears and decided to look at the to be signed pike because it looked odd. You have your stacks even and they weren't so I went through them. I show him what it was and he looked at me.
I wonder if I can have them arrested.
You could easily. But why waste your time on them. There is a better candidate waiting for your attentions.

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