Spring Break

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Dang it Elliott you just had to allow your sisters to come to the island with us. I set things up so I could be alone with you and here we are on a plane with rowdy college students that security can't get under control. We can't even have a little fun in the bedrooms.
They double teamed me and Christian without our parents anywhere to save us from the woeful looks they gave us. Had I known they would bring this many people I would put a stop to it immediately. Two jets and a few having to take commercial flights is going to make Christian mad. We call him and he has staff hire extra security and staff to wrangle the group. He tells them to sign wavers saying he will not be held liable for any of their actions.
Elliott security has been told anyone not signing these documents will be put on a flight back to Seattle no exceptions and if they cause harm or get in jail they will not get our help to get out of jail. The only exception is our sisters the documents they all have to sign will state that. Security will make sure to check their ID so they don't sign Mickey or Minnie Mouse on the documents. They do that and they are being brought back to Seattle immediately.
I just knew your sisters would take advantage of you and Elliott's generous heart. It is hard to say no to your siblings, but I think they had no idea their friends would invite others without asking. Some had to buy there own tickets to get to the island. Two jets half were staff and four family members the rest were rowdy college students, I just hope they don't destroy the jets, homes, and cars. Christian says he won't allow this to happen again.
I call Jessica and Jennifer and inform them they are going to have to keep an eye on these college friends of theirs. I also told them they are going to have to make sure Christian and Anastasia's homes and property aren't trashed by them or their friends. They are also going to have to assure that their friends behave themselves.
I can't believe they told us only a couple of friends each were going. They had to take two jets and some had to use commercial planes. They both said they had no idea that their friends invited people they haven't even met and then they invited others until they had two jets full. They had to have the others get on a commercial flight.
I was tempted to put them all back on the flights back to Seattle, but one wrong move and they are back in Seattle in no time at all. I finally get Jennifer and Jessica on the phone and tell them this will never happen again. I also told them they can't have the bigger place and they will just have to make due with the other homes and theTaylor's and Steele's homes are off limits to them. I call security and tell them if any of the college friends or my sisters get out of line they are to be put on a flight back to Seattle no questions asked. No reprieves and they can't go into any other homes but the one they were allowed to go into. If they have an issue with it they are to tell them to rent a hotel room. If they still raise a ruckus they can find their own way home. I got a head count and thirty friends were arriving with Jennifer and Jessica. There are only five bedrooms in the home I have for guests. I finally get hold of Jessica and Jennifer and I tell them this will never happen again, they told me they only invited six people and their friends invited the others who invited others.
Christian and Elliott have been on my ass since they got wind of how many people came with us. I tell him we didn't invite all of these people, our friends friends invited them.
This is bad, very bad, I am very angry with our friends thinking they can invite others, others we don't even know and now we can't stand them being around us. Between the half naked girls thinking Elliott is up for grabs and the guys we don't know thinking we are fair game. I now wished we hadn't came down here. It was a huge mistake. Then 32 people are staying in a five bedroom house. Bodies sleeping everywhere. Security was on us like white on rice thank God for that. One couple tried to become members of the mile high club in the bedrooms in the plane. Luckily it takes a key to get into those. They attempted to sneak into the restroom together, that was stopped immediately.
Brad won't leave me alone. He is an enormous ass and we had avoided him so much. Here he is in my brother's home sleeping wherever he can find. The office is locked and only staff is allowed in there and the security office is always in use monitoring all 32 of us. The grumbling of everyone when they had to sign all that paperwork for Christian and his attorneys before they could even leave the airport. I had to as well and so did Jessica. Christian takes this very seriously and he added one more set of papers just for me and Jessica. I was mad about signing it, but for us to get to stay we had to agree that if anything happened to us or our friends plus their guests we would be responsible for their actions and have to help them get out of it if we failed to stop them or give security a heads up about what they are up to. We finally get to go lay out by the pool. This will not be a fun spring break at all. Several of the friends tried to go to the private beach where Kate and Elliott are enjoying themselves. Kate and Elliott had to have security return them and we were told to keep them away from the private beach. Their phones were confiscated and photos of Elliott and Kate were erased. Phones and cameras were taken from us and we were only given messages and allowed to call anyone back using speakerphone on our cell phones after that.
Three nights into the trip, I felt very drunk and I barely had anything to drink. I wake up at a hotel room all alone naked and sore beyond belief. I call Elliott and Kate. I have to go to the hospital. At this point there is no doubt I was drugged and raped by the perpetrator or perpetrators in this case.
I kept seeing Brad and he is up to no good, I start looking for Jennifer. I check for Brad and his two friends and they have somehow disappeared from the bar we decided to go to. I ask security and they hadn't seen Jennifer or Brad and his two friends Al and Vance. Brad Evans is bad news and so are Al Johnson, Vance Simmons I don't know anything about. Then I see Vance and he said something odd and asked me if I knew where Jennifer went to?
When I refused to go along with Brad and Al about getting Jennifer alone they ditched me which is fine by me. I go find Jessica and ask her if she has seen Jennifer recently? We start looking around for her and can't find her. I tell Jessica about Brad and Al wanting to get Jennifer alone.
After Vance told me about Brad and Al wanting to get Jennifer alone I get security to find out if they went back to the house. There were rumors about Brad and they weren't good especially if he had set his sites on you and he set them on Jennifer. I hope we can find her soon. Security, Vance and I are out looking for them. It is daylight when Elliott came pounding on the door and asking me questions. Jennifer is in the hospital getting a rape kit done and she recalls Brad and Al giving her drinks. That is all she recalls. Security drag Al and Brad up off the floor and as they are being searched a baggie and used condoms are in another baggie. Just ewww is all I can think, but then I realize there is only one reason to take a used condom and put them in baggies. Evidence of their crime.
The cops are gathering evidence at the hotel room and we have paid for the room for the time it will take to resolve this situation. Jessica your sister wants to talk with you. A guy comes forward to talk to me privately.
Vance Simmons
I tell Elliott everything I know and he says it was a good thing we at least tried to find her, but I could have said something to security. I told mr Grey that I had no idea they were going to leave the bar with her and they were drugging her and I would have never allowed them to do anything to her at all had I known that what they were going to do to her. He said I was going to have to testify against them. I of course agreed to testify.
Your friends are going to be arrested and I am hoping you choose better friends in the future. Kate wants to cut the balls off Brad and Al not just for them video recording us having sex, but for drugging and raping Jennifer. Mom and dad are on their way here along with Christian and his attorneys. He is out for blood and he wants the college students gone yesterday. Vance Simmons has to stay and so does Jennifer and Jessica. Everyone is packed up and driven to the airport or a hotel room.
They arrested the potential drugging rapist. The friend and Jessica were looking for Jennifer until sunlight. Security and Elliott woke up Brad and Al and Security used gloves and plastic bags to place what they had in plastic baggies. The cops were called when they saw the pills in a baggie and Elliott wanted to beat the crap out of them when he saw the used condoms tied up and placed in a plastic baggie.

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