A Calmer Kate

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We come back home to a lot of changes, mom is quite happy and working as COO at Grey Media and she is wearing some very stylish clothing. She informed it was from Christian Grey to go with my new job and raise. Mom was always the one who wanted to move into the future with their company. She is now divorced and dad is paying the price for everything he has done to the both of us.
I take the video out of all seven of them being sentenced and Kate breaks down crying. It is a cathartic cry and I allow her to cry it all out. Now she feels safe. Kate said they were at the graduation party and tried to hurt her again. She told me there is another reason Anastasia and her siblings and Austin are called the A team. Her brothers and three friends tried to attack Mia and Tia they ended up finding themselves surrounded by all seven of them and each took turns leaving injuries that they couldn't prove because they were taught how to injure without leaving bruises. None of it was on video because they chose a spot to try to attack Mia and Tia but failed to realize they couldn't press charges because then they would have to explain why they were there and what they were doing. So the A team left them hurting with no way to files charges. I recall them leaving and in pain, but thought nothing of it.
Mom laughed her ass off and said they will be away for at least 15 years. We go to lunch and she says she needs to show me the new newspaper and then on line presence. She has learned various things thanks to Mr and Mrs Davies. I show her all the photos that are PG rated she wants copies so she can hang photos of her daughter and son in law. She has always called me her daughter. She finally tells me that I have more siblings, because dad didn't stay faithful period. If I want to meet them she can arrange it. My dad has been paying child support for years to three women. Now that he is in prison he can't pay through his paycheck. So she arranged for the mothers to get it from his assets he has left, Carrick Grey is helping get that accomplished. Of course I want to meet them as long as their mothers don't mind.
I have known  about the other children since the day they were born. I made sure the women got child support, it made Donald mad that he had to pay for each of his illegitimate children, but if he didn't quietly he would be taken to court with my help. Kate doesn't seem surprised at all.
Mom my siblings found out who daddy dearest was and came to see me, but didn't say who they were to me, just that wanted to meet me. It didn't take much to figure out dad had children by other women.
I visit mom and dad and finally Christian, the twins are away for college. Mom said that Benny and Jasmine are working at the hospital now. Colin and Andrea had their baby. She told me that Donald, his sons and their friends are serving 15 plus years each for what they did to Kate. Mom won't elaborate any further, but I have already started figuring out some things. Kate will rest easier, not completely but easier. We definitely had a lot of fun on our honeymoon. Christian gave her a month off and he is pulling his hair out due to her replacement. Apparently she spends a lot time drooling over him. I guess when he had a lunch date with Anastasia she cancelled it each time. But told him that Anastasia kept cancelling on him. How he found was that Anastasia finally showed up at his apartment and demanded to know if he was breaking up with her and this was his way of doing it. Apparently Olivia was cancelling more than just Anastasia, she was fired immediately after she cancelled three business meetings with companies he was making deals with because the owners were very beautiful women. But because he so lucky they sold their companies for less money because they were desperate by the time he saw them. Olivia was fired anyway and Mia was hired as part of his administrative HR and became the person in charge of hiring upper management hiring and firing. I never met Olivia, I think it is good I didn't. Kate said she is a conniving bitch and has tried to get her fired from her job with Christian on more than one occasion. She thinks that she had a hand in the Vanessa and Syndi fiasco.
I am thrilled that Christian caught on to Olivia and fired her. Now Mia administrative Hr and event coordinator, she is being paid well to do all this work. I am glad they hired someone to do that. I hated interviewing for the assistants for the upper management. I was also having to do the event coordinating and I was being ran ragged and Hr kept sending me the dregs and the droolers of our staff. Particularly the billionaire owner he is easy on the eye, but Elliott is hotter in a brawny paper towel guy kind of way. Paul Bunyan had nothing on Elliott's looks and his all man bravado. I was thrilled to finally meet him. I thought the eight years difference in our age would be a deal breaker, it was at first, but he missed me too much and came to get me from my apartment and moved me into his apartment all at once. I didn't argue at all, but it was hard to with him carrying to his car and the moving people packed my things up and brought them to his apartment.

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