An Angry Grace

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I think he has enough time to tell us what he is going to do in regards to our daughters. He is leaving us hanging and it's not fair to any of us.
He holds all the cards and you dragging me over there after seeing he was finally home, just made him very angry about your insensitivity to him and his family and friends when we refused to come back and talk later. No you just needed an answer immediately like he is a student you are in charge of and you hold all the cards. Demanding him to decide can backfire easily. We all love Mia and Tia, but we might have to accept the fact they might be taken from us and given to their father. He could easily go in the morning and file to get custody back and reverse the adoption process.
It isn't fair Carrick. We should not have to give the girls to him at all.
Do you think it was fair to him that they didn't give him all six of his children, I don't and that is what counts here. I think we should see about just letting him have them back and try to adopt again. I know it isn't the same and I don't think children are interchangeable at all. But it is what is and we have no real stand on this situation. So we are at his mercy. After tonight we aren't on his good friends list. There is no trust on either side. But at least we saw the birth certificates and to be honest with you broke trust with me when you went behind my back on several occasions in regards to this situation. If he wants them back we give them back. No ifs and or buts. Don't fight me on this Grace you will lose anyway. Let's put our names on the list for a child of any age. Who knows we might help more by doing this again. There are so many children and you see them daily in the ER.
Okay you are right I think we need to give Mia and Tia to him. Why wait until he gets to court and we become further attached. Ca Rick pulls the adoption papers from his files and we will be having them rescinded at the courthouse and Carrick tells me that it will be hard and he will bring tissues for me to cry into. I look at the photos of our family and start crying and we head to bed with him holding me in his arms.
Ray this is your choice, but I think they would be better off here with us, because right now I am not sure if Grace is rational and I don't think any one would be in this situation. We have the room and the people to help care for all of your babies.
You hire as many people as you want Gail. You are in charge of the households at this point and you are getting a raise and a bonus. So is Jason. We need a lot right now and we need to get the company up and running along with more vehicles. Car shopping is on the list of things to do along with finding a good family practice attorney to get our girls back together. Something tells me that Carrick is going to talk Grace into giving them to me. After all they never got my signature in signing my rights away, but that was the hospital and their staffs fault not anyone else's fault. Although I would like to see the documents on the actual adoptions. I think someone might have forged them. Plus why would the Greys adopt from New York when there are plenty of children here who need adopting. It just doesn't make sense to me. Robert was saying that as well so he looked into the situation and apparently Grace had a friend from school working at the hospital and told her about the babies. Robert really dug deep into all of it and I do think Carrick doesn't know the exact details of the adoption and how they were ahead of couples in New York wanting babies. We can't prove it, but it is very suspicious and a huge deposit to her friends account the day the babies were given to Grace and Carrick. The money was wired to the account and it couldn't be traced. So we have no idea who or why she got the money yet, but we are still digging.
I call my friend and her phone is disconnected. Carol always has her phone on. I try to call her at work and they inform me that she was fired and killed not long afterward. Apparently she had kidnapped triplet boys and her husband or boyfriend killed her and he is in jail awaiting trial. What are the odds and now I can't get that money back. Carrick knows nothing about this and hopefully neither does Ray Steele. Fifty thousand dollars has taught me a hard lesson. I just wanted a baby girl so bad I ignored all my instincts about all of this illegal business that I was involved in. I would have came down on anyone who did this, but I didn't think all of this through and now I am thinking it through now.
Ray I think we have an issue and I don't think your neighbor got those girls legally. But if she gives them back I think I would just forget about it. Money changed hands and it might be a coincidence but the same amount was taken out of her savings accounts right before the wire was sent to Carol's account.
I am not surprised at all that she might pay for the babies. Are you sure it is her that paid or not?
I can't prove anything for sure, but the timing of it all adds up. It won't stick if her husband defends her she will get off for lack of evidence. I recommend we wait and see if she brings them back to you first and then tell her what we know.

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