Daisy Gives A Statement

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They moved me to where Christine is staying in the middle of the night. Only a few people know I am still alive though I wished I weren't. The only thing I am glad about is that Hyde didn't get to Christine. David Lewis was killed by Hyde right in front of me as a warning to keep my mouth shut. Hyde is now going to be arrested now for Joseph's death and assaulting me along with my staff. He also knows the men who sexually assaulted me along with kidnapping me and holding me hostage.
I can't believe I am sitting in a jail cell and can't get bail because I am a flight risk. Daisy was the one who came forward and named me and David as the leaders of the assault on them and their staff and I killed her husband. She witnessed it all and couldn't prevent it. I am about to leave when cops arrive and have a search warrant for the place and to arrest me. I can't get away from them because they tapered me and found my guns on me and the cash in my suitcases. I tried to move but they had me on the ground and cuffed me.
Policeman Howard
This is the guy who the FBI has been looking for all this time. Think he will serve any time in Seattle?
Policeman Burke
Who knows, let's hope he is put behind bars for life so he can't harm any more people on the outside. I am betting he will get along with his new roommates swimmingly. We both chuckle at the thought of him and bubba going at it. He looks like he can hold his own he might be able to fight them off. Miller comes running up and says they found two dead bodies and think there are more. Well looks like we won't be allowing you out of jail for any reason.
FBI Agent Callahan
I get a call saying they found Hyde and he is in Seattle, now I can make the cases to get the three women into our custody again. They crossed him, but he was the ring leader that taught them how to scam company owners and sell their companies for a huge profit. We won't be making any plea deals with Hyde since it was his companies and it looks like he got his money for the sale of them. We get the documentation to have all four of them released to our custody.
I am being led out to a bus of sone kind along with Syndi and Leila. We enter the bus and are chained to our seats, there is another prisoner and five men that seem familiar to me they are heavily armed. I can't see the other prisoner's face. He is behind the guards.
Where are they taking us and why isn't Olivia coming with us?
I have no idea where we are going or who is taking us there. They just told me that we are being transferred is all they would tell me. The bus starts to move and soon we are at a military base and are being put on a big plane and hooked to some very uncomfortable seats. Then I see him, it has been years but he is the prisoner they have across from us and he is glaring at us.
Okay this is scary and I am beginning to think we aren't going to another prison, well not one in the US. If Hyde is involved we are doomed to begin with. The plane starts taxiing and soon it is up in the air.
I already know where we are headed and hell is the last stop for us. Agent Callahan is laughing as he says well just in case you are slow witted.
Agent Callahan
My friends here have a score to settle with all of you and I was paid very well to obtain you and bring you all to your husbands and Hyde just gave you away as well Leila. But what he doesn't know is that he will be getting no reprieve for his actions while he was making these deals. Thanks for all the cash Hyde it made my life easier.
So you are a dirty fed as I thought?
Agent Callahan
Aww shucks you really did think I was a federal agent after all we have been through together. Jack you might not recognize me, but I am your brother Simon Hyde. Did you think I didn't know what you did to our parents? It just took me a long time to get you where I wanted you to be and luckily for me I was in the right place at the right time to get all four of you with help from others. I would hope you are all smart enough to behave on the flight to your new homes. Leila meet your new husband. I call him to sit by his wife to be. I call him Tim because we can't call him by his real name.
I sit down by my future wife and tell her our rules and she will obey my every command. Any violation can bring drastic actions. I hand her her new clothing and tell her she will put them on before we leave the plane in our country. I look at Hyde and tell him he will be dealt with when we arrive at our final destination.
I made a huge mistake and it involved a fiancé of one of these mens fiancé. I escaped and they weren't able to find me until now.
Count your blessings that you have given a gift to him and he will allow you to be present at the wedding. He has a special seat of honor for you.

Three days later
The special seat is very painful. I can stand but it will do worse to me. I loose my balance and suddenly the axe comes down. I see the wedding, but they don't see me. I am seeing flames and I think the devil is welcoming me. Does he really have horns and a tail?
I am told that my jewelry will be the chains to keep me from running again, I am expected to give my husband many heirs. He made sure I was clean and surgically prepared to receive him.
Vanessa and I are not allowed to talk to each other and the other women don't speak English. Leila is nowhere to be found.
I am being prepared for my wedding night with Tim. I am told that I must be cleaned and ready to have plenty of babies for my husband. They keep me locked up for now and as long as I behave I can walk about without chains like the others have to.

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