Chapter 1: Two Days Ago

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"Maybe if you weren't up my ass so goddamn much, I wouldn't leave to be with someone else. Did you ever fucking think of that (Y/N)?" That was the last thing he said to me before slamming the door behind him. It was all the conformation I needed, though. I knew he was cheating and that I wasn't fucking crazy. 

Felix and I have been together a little over a year. Our relationship was so strong and filled with love in the beginning. I would come home to flowers and a candle lit dinner every Friday after work. It was everything a person could ever long for. If you were to ask me what went wrong, I wouldn't be able to tell you. 

For the past four months it feels like we've been fighting nonstop. It was only a month ago I felt like he was cheating on me. I noticed the day after a big, storming fight would break out, he would leave for a few days and tell me he had a business trip. No one comes home from a business trip smelling like another woman's perfume, at least not in his line of work. 

The last time I saw him was two days ago, which is when he confirmed that he had been seeing another woman. I tried reaching him through his cell phone, not because I wanted to continue the fight, but because his words had left me so distraught. Every time I tried to call it would only go to voicemail, so I knew he turned his phone off. I was alone in our home with nowhere else to go. Staying with my friend, Christa, would be an option, but she actually is on a business trip currently. All I had right now were these four walls and my lingering thoughts to occupy me. 

I got up from the couch I had been planted at for four hours to go to the bathroom. As much as I dreaded it, I looked in the mirror. My hair was raggedy, and I noticed my dark circles had become more prominent. This was getting ridiculous. I shouldn't be in a relationship where it affects my mental and physical state like this. All I wanted to do was leave and never look back, but where would I go? 

My phone started ringing in the other room which pulled me from my daze. I was anxious to answer, fearing that it may be Felix, but if it was him, I still needed to talk to him. Storming back into the living room, I grabbed my phone to see that it was Mark. I huffed at the thought of having to talk to him since he was one of Felix's friends, but I answered anyway since he was probably calling in concern about Felix. 

"Hello?" I groggily answered. "Hey (Y/N)," Mark started, "is Felix there?" "Nope. He's not here and I'm pretty sure his phone is turned off." "Ah, that makes sense. Are you feeling okay? You don't sound too good." 

Tears began to form in my eyes for the first time in two days. I was so numb to the situation that I haven't even been able to cry, but Mark asking if I was okay struck a nerve somehow. Out of all of Felix's friends, I liked Mark the best, so I trusted him enough to tell him what happened. 

"No," I was full on crying at this point. "Oh my god," Mark said, "do you need me to come over?" "No, it's fine. Um... Felix admitted to cheating on me. That's where he's at right now." "Are you fucking kidding me? That fucking asshole. (Y/N), are you sure you're okay and you don't need me to come over?" "No but thank you. I look like shit anyway. It's been a depressing couple of days, you know?" 

I was very flattered at the fact that Mark was willing to come comfort me, but I didn't want to place him victim of my loathing. "How about this?" Mark inquired, "Why don't you get ready and come to the bar tonight? I'll be in at 10:00 and the manager on duty tonight is super cool, so given what you've been through she may hook you up with some free drinks. Plus, Sean's band will be performing tonight and they're really good." 

Maybe this is what I needed. A night out just to feel pretty, happy, anything even if it was only for a moment. "You know what?" I started, "you're smarter than you look Mark. I'll be there. You said 10:00, right?" "Yep," Mark started, "that's when my shift starts. I'll see you then." And with that, our phone call had ended. 

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