Chapter 20: Goodbye

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"Arms out and legs apart, please," the security guard asked me. She patted down my body and had me empty my pockets of all belongings. I placed me keys, wallet, and phone in a small tub. The last item in my hand lingered for a moment before I spoke up. "Could I actually keep this with me? I wanted to show him this," I asked nicely. The guard examined the item and gave me a pitiful smile, "Sure, that's no problem." "Thank you so much," I smiled back. She led me through the concrete hallway into the visitation room. 

As I examined the room, my heart broke for the people I saw. There were many women, most likely spouses of the inmates they were talking to, some with children. My heart ached for those poor babies with their fathers in prison, some who may not even be in for anything awful, such as marijuana use. The guard gestured me to take a seat in a chair that was in front of a small window. 

"Okay, I'll let them know to grab him for you. Just pick up this phone to talk to him," she explained to me. "Thank you," I replied. I sat there anxiously, waiting for the man I hadn't confronted in two years. The last time I saw him was the night of the incident. Mark and I couldn't go to the court hearing because we were in Ireland for Sean's funeral, so Officer Mills took our place at the time. I remember being nervous during that time because I couldn't be there to give my statement, but the evidence was enough to lock him up. 

My attention was dragged to the window as him and a guard approached it. I expected him to have a look of shock, but instead he stared down at me with a look of disgust. The man presented to me wasn't the same man who killed my friend two years ago, appearance wise at least. His eyes had prominent dark circles, his beard was bushy and unkept, and he had a lot more tattoos than before. The guard uncuffed him and allowed him to be seated. After the guard walked back towards the wall, we both picked up our phones. "Hello, Felix," I said. 

"Why are you here?" was the first thing he said to me. "Well, isn't that a nice way to greet someone." "Cut the shit, (Y/N). You haven't bothered to visit or write a letter in two years. Hell, you and that himbo didn't even bother to show up to the court hearing." "Yeah, because we were at Sean's funeral in Ireland. It was a beautiful service, by the way. There were so many people there; so many people that loved him were there. Tell me Felix, do you ever feel bad for what you did?" 

His tone was filled with venom, "Of course I fucking do. You think I feel good about killing Sean? I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for-" I interrupted, "I'm going to stop you right there. You're not going to blame me for what you did. People get cheated on every day Felix, and it rarely ever ends in a murder." "Right, so because cheating happens every day it's okay for you to do it?" "No, it's not. And that's one of the reasons I'm here: to apologize. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry that our relationship turned into what it was. But you must forget that you did cheat on me first. Not that it makes what I did okay, but we were both just as guilty." 

He stayed silent for a moment, not wanting to admit his wrongs. He quickly changed the subject, "So, you and that asshole still together?" I bit my tongue and kept a calm demeanor, "First of all, he's not an asshole. Second of all, yes, we are. As a matter of fact, he proposed to me just last week." "Huh, shocking. I didn't think you two would last a year." "Well, what can I say? It's like we were made for each other. It's like the universe knew what it was doing when it brought us together. We love each other unconditionally, he makes me laugh, and goddamn is he the most attractive man I've ever seen." "So, what? Your purpose for coming here was to rub it in my face how happy you two are? How happy you are without me?" 

"Well, that was one of the reasons I can't lie. I did actually have something for you." Confusion grew upon his face, "For me?" "Yes, a parting gift if you will," I placed the item from before inside the drawer under the table. He carefully opened the drawer on his side and took out the item. That look of confusion held its place as he stared at it for a moment. "What the fuck is this supposed to be?" he asked me. "It's a picture," I answered confidently. "Yeah, no shit. Obviously, it's you and Mark, but who's the kid?" "That kid is your daughter, Felix." 

His eyes grew wide as he stared at me. "No, th-that's impossible," he said. "Well, we can do a paternity test if you want, but the timing adds up to her being your daughter. I mean take a good look at her; she looks just like you," I explained. He examined the girl longer, paying attention to her features. Her pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair. There was just no doubt that she was his. "Oh my god, I'm a father," he breathed out. "Hmm, only biological," I corrected him. "W-Why didn't you tell me about this before? What's her name?" "Caden Ashley Fischbach." 

He looked up at me with anger. That same look would've thrown me into a panic two years ago, but all I could do was smile at his anger. "You didn't even try to give her my last name?" he spat. "Be fucking for real Felix," I laughed. "You seriously gave her his last name?" "Why wouldn't I? He's her dad, after all." "No, I'm her dad." "No, Felix. You will never even get to be in the same presence as her. Mark is her dad, that's the end of it. That's what she knows and that's how it's going to stay. Maybe one day when she's older, she can hear the truth about who Felix Kjellberg is what kind of man he was. But I can promise you that after she hears the stories we tell her about you, she will never want to be around you." "You fucking bitch! You can't keep her from me forever!" "Oh, yes I can Felix, and I will. You can keep that picture, so you know that she's safe with a man that loves her like she's his own." "You fucking whore! I swear to god, I'll kill you just like I did Sean!" He started punching against the window towards me, which was the guard's cue to restrain him. "Goodbye, Felix." I hung up the phone and walked away without another word. 


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