Chapter 6: He Deserved It

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I felt paralyzed, yet I was able to turn around to see that Mark was standing in the doorway. My mind was racing, and my lips were trembling. Please, God, Mark don't fuck this up for me. Felix stood there in shock for a moment before scoffing, "Mark?" He began to storm over to Mark, "What the fuck do you mean she was with you? I swear on everything I love if you put even a finger on her-" "Jesus, Felix," Mark interrupted, "can you let someone else speak for once in your goddamn life?" I jumped back at the sudden anger in Mark's voice. It was very clear that Felix didn't scare Mark. 

Felix stood back from Mark and crossed his arms, awaiting Mark's explanation. "I was trying to invite you and (Y/N) out to the club last night, but you weren't home. So, I told (Y/N) that she could still come out if she wished. She agreed and she got a little drunk, so I didn't want her to go home like that. I brought her home with me where she would be safe." Mark paused for a moment before he said his last statement coldly, "All I did was keep her fucking safe." 

Felix turned around to face me, "So you got drunk last night? Who'd you hook up with? I know there has to be someone." Mark grabbed Felix's shoulder, forcing Felix to face him, "I was literally with her all night, Felix. She didn't fucking talk to anyone else." Felix scoffed at his statement in disbelief as he walked away from us both. "Look," Mark began walking next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "I wouldn't lie to you, Felix. I just wanted to make sure that my friend's girlfriend was somewhere safe last night. I'd hope that you'd do the same for me." 

Felix started to ease up and nodded, "Yeah, I would. Thank you, Mark." He started up the stairs without another word. That was such a good fucking save, and the facial expression I glanced towards Mark told him so. Mark removed his arm from my shoulder and quickly placed something in my pocket. "I'll see you later," Mark winked. I mouthed the words 'Thank you'. He gave me that charming smile before walking out the front door. I went into the downstairs bathroom just in case Felix came back down while I was looking at whatever Mark gave me. 

After locking the door behind me, I stood there while pulling the item from my pocket. It was a folded-up piece of paper. I unfolded it and examined it: '317 11th Avenue. That's my address in case you ever need somewhere to escape.' I smiled wide at the piece of paper and put it back into the pocket of my joggers. Well, Mark's joggers. It gave me comfort to know that he cared so much. I opened the door to the bathroom and started walking out and was immediately greeted by Felix once again. 

There was nothing but anger and tears in his eyes. He sucked his bottom lip in as he stared at me. Honestly, I felt nothing now. The anxiety in my gut was gone. I wasn't scared of him and honestly, I wanted this relationship to be over soon, but I didn't want it to go out in a fight. He inhaled sharply before asking me, "Are you fucking my best friend?" I acted like I had no idea what he meant, "What?" "(Y/N), I need you to be honest with me. Did you sleep with Mark last night?" 

I scoffed, "I'm not fucking doing this Felix." I was storming out of the room to our bedroom and Felix followed behind me, "You didn't answer my question. Please just answer me." Felix was full on sobbing at this point. In one sense, I felt bad that it hurt him this bad, but in the other sense, I really didn't give a shit. "I don't have to answer that," I said coldly. I started to pack a small bag while listening to Felix pace around the room frantically. "Why are you packing a bag?" Felix asked. I turned to him, "I'm going to stay the night with Christa. I think we need some space away from each other." 

Felix kept yelling at me, but I just tuned him out as I stormed out of the house with my bag. I seriously didn't want to talk about this with him right now. Especially since he was so focused on me cheating on him and didn't even want to acknowledge that he admitted to cheating on me a few days ago. I didn't feel that bad for him. Honestly, he kind of deserved it. It just scares me that I'm going to end up having to actually admit what I did to him. 

I got in my car and immediately started to head to Christa's. The music that was playing on the radio filled my car. I didn't even know what song it was, but it's like the lyrics fit my exact situation. The emotions of the song overwhelmingly filled my brain and I started to cry. I was now at a full sob driving through the traffic of L.A. 

I calmed myself down before pulling into Christa's driveway. She's only been home for an hour, so I haven't really been able to talk to her. I was filled with excitement as I started up to her front door. I've missed her so much it's unbelievable. With a few of my knocks at the door, she opened it within seconds. A mixture of shock and happiness filled her face, "(Y/N)!" she shouted while bringing me into a hug. 

"Hey, Christa," I smiled while walking in. "Do you think it's cool if I stay the night here?" She raised an eyebrow at me, "Bitch, do you even need to ask?" We both laughed as I sat my bag down on the floor and fell backwards onto her couch. She took a seat next to me with sympathy on her face, "Another fight?" I started to tear up and my voice got shaky, "Yeah, he um... he admitted it. That he's been cheating on me." 

Christa grew angrier by the second, "Are you fucking serious? The nerve of that asshole! I'm literally going to get violent!" I grabbed her shirt and gave it a light tug to get her attention, "There's no need for that. I may have already got him back for it." Her face went from angry to curious, "Oh? Do tell." 

"Okay. So last night his friend Mark called me." "That really hot bartender? Girl don't tell me-" "Hey, let me tell the story. There's so much to it. So, he called and asked if Felix was home. I ended up just breaking down and telling him everything that happened. After that, he invited me out to the club for drinks since he was working. I accepted his offer and went. When I got there, I hung around the bar with Mark and his friend, Sean, was performing with his band. By the time Mark was getting off, I was a little drunk so me, Mark, and Sean went back to Mark's place. Long story short... I may have had a threesome with them." 

"Bitch, what?! That is so unlike you," I could tell Christa was surprised but in a good way. I kept up my badass composure the best that I could, "I mean, what was I supposed to do? My boyfriend just admitted to cheating on me and his two super-hot friends had their eyes on me all night. Anyone would be insane not to do what I did." Christa nodded in agreement, "Damn right. So... how were they? Was one of them better than the other? Tell me everything!" 

As much as I wanted to tell Christa how amazing it was, I did respect Mark and Sean's privacy. I know I wouldn't want them to tell their friends all about me in that way. "I'd rather not out of respect, okay?" I wasn't harsh with my request, just forward. Christa showed me she understood by nodding, "So, what are you going to do from here?" 

I hated that question only because I didn't know the answer. Felix and I shouldn't be together, that's obvious. But where would I go? The house is his and my parents are all the way back in Virginia. I glanced over at Christa, "I honestly don't know." Christa grabbed my hand and gave me a sympathetic look, "You know if you need to stay here for a while you can." "Oh no, I don't want to put that on you. It's just... I have no idea where else to go. I mean I could go back home, but that's a whole plane ticket and something that takes a lot of time, and-" I was cut off from my breakdown by the sound of my phone ringing. 

I picked it up to see the name 'Mark' pop up on my phone screen. Christa's face lit up with excitement as she let out a little hum. "Maybe that's your answer," she pointed at my phone and winked. 

What was I supposed to do? (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now