Chapter 9: Coffee and Breakfast

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"And neither of you saw who was taking pictures of you from outside?" asked the police officer. "No," Mark said, "I tried but they were gone by the time I got outside." All I could do was shake my head. Everything was overstimulating me: the lights from the police cars, questions being asked back and forth, the adrenaline from the situation. 

I feel bad pulling Mark away from his job, but I felt like I should let him know what was going on. Of course, I called 911 before him, so I would've been fine with or without him here. Although, it still felt nice to know he wanted to make sure I was safe. It's also his house, so I feel he deserves to know what's going on. 

"(Y/N)," Mark shook my shoulder slightly, which pulled me out of my trance. Suddenly, my vision was slightly blurry. I tried my hardest focusing on what Mark was trying to say to me, but his words just sounded like echoing mumbles to me. I gripped onto the kitchen counter when I started to feel a churning in my stomach. It was a feeling I knew all too well. 

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Mark asked me. "Can someone please get her a bag or something? I think she's going to puke!" All the sounds of people around me came and went and my vision stayed blurry. I could barely make out one of the officers handing me a brown bag. My hands gravitated towards it and held it to my mouth as I let everything out. 

Once I was done with my puking spell, Mark took the bag from me and threw it away. I sat down in a chair and was presented with a bottle of water and crackers from Mark. "Thank you," I said to Mark. "Do you need to see a doctor? What happened?" Mark was shocked by what happened, so of course he had questions. "No, I'm fine. I haven't eaten in over 24 hours, so I think everything just got to me all at once and I threw up." "Well, make sure you eat those crackers and drink some water. I'm going to go ask the officers some more questions. 

He placed a kiss on my forehead before walking away. To be honest, I'm not sure what came over me. I've went this long without eating before, and nothing this bad has ever happened. At least not to the point where I was dizzy and on the verge of passing out. I don't know how I didn't pass out. 

After I ate a couple crackers and took a few sips of water, Mark made his way back to me. He sat down next to me, "They're packing everything up now. They said they're going to run the note for fingerprints. If whoever did that lives in California, they should be able to find out who the prints belong to by tomorrow." I took another sip of water before asking, "What happens after that?" "Not sure. They said they'll call once they have information. I gave them both of our numbers in case one of us can't answer." 

I nodded and looked down at my crackers, fiddling with the packaging. "Hey," Mark rubbed my knee, "are you doing okay? You must be so shaken up, I'm so sorry." "I'm okay," I answered. "I'm going to take the next couple days off to be here with you." "Oh no, Mark. You don't have to do that for me." "Well, I already talked to my boss, so it looks like you're stuck with me." 

We both let out a little chuckle before I said, "Thank you." Mark took my hand and lightly kissed the back of it, "Anything to make sure you're safe." The officer that interviewed us earlier walked over to talk to us again. "Well, we're done here," he said. "Thank you so much officer," Mark said while standing up to shake the officer's hand. "If anything else happens, please don't hesitate to give us a call. Oh also before I go, I don't know if you remember my daughter but you made drinks for us for her 21st birthday. Your drinks are amazing man." "Oh, yeah! Taijah, right? I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you before." "It's all good, man. Just wanted to let you know you're amazing at what you do and to keep it up. You two stay safe." 

When all the police were gone, Mark and I headed upstairs for bed. We laid there for a while just talking about our lives and anything we felt like talking about. It was a nice distraction from what happened that night and was honestly just nice to talk to him. I felt like I could talk to this man about anything for hours and that's exactly what we did. 

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