Chapter 10: Felix's House

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I splashed my face with warm water to help me stay focused on what was happening. Why was this happening? Sure, Felix is an emotionally abusive asshole, but I never thought he was this fucking crazy. The worst part is that I still need to get my things from his house. I never want to see that psychopath again. If he ever came near me again, I think Mark would kill him if I'm being honest. 

As I was staring back at myself in the mirror, lost in my thoughts, I saw Mark walk in which made me jump around to face him. "Oh," I sighed, "hey. What did Officer Mills say?" Mark stood leaned up against the doorway, "He said that at this point we can fill out a form for a restraining order against Felix. He also said that he can meet us at Felix's house today so we can safely get your things." I let out a small sigh of relief, "That makes me feel a little better. When are we meeting him?" "In about 30 minutes. We should take both of our cars so we only have to make one trip for your things." 

"You're probably right. Thank you, again for letting me put all my stuff here. I really do appreciate it." Mark slowly made his way over to me with a smile plastered on his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me, "This is your home now, silly. You don't have to say thank you. I'm happy that you're moving in here with me." I gave him a smile as I placed both my hands on the sides of his face. My fingers gently caressed the stubble on his face. Both of our faces gravitated towards each other, and we embraced in a deep kiss. 

After our lips parted, I said, "We should probably get going. We don't want to keep Officer Mills waiting." "Yeah," Mark let go of me, "you're right." We both headed out the door with our car keys. "I'll meet you there," Mark said while opening his car door. I nodded at him, and we proceeded to get in our cars. 

When we arrived at Felix's house, Felix was nowhere to be seen, but Officer Mills was already waiting on us. I got out of my car as Mark pulled in right behind my car. Officer Mills walked over to me, waving with a smile on his face. "Good morning, Miss (Y/L/N)," he greeted me. "Good morning, Officer," I responded back. "I'm very sorry for causing you such a panic this morning. I had no idea that Mr. Kjellberg would be capable of something like this. I didn't even know you two had a relationship." "Oh no, it's fine really. I prefer to stay anonymous from the public eye, so no one even really knew my name when we were together." 

Mark walked up to us and shook Officer Mill's hand. "Thanks so much for meeting with us this morning," Mark said. "Oh, trust me. I have nothing else better to do today. I don't mind," Officer Mills said. We all let out a small chuckle at his remark. "So, I think the best thing is for you two to go in and get your belongings. I'll stay out here and keep watch. If Mr. Kjellberg comes back, I have a warrant to enter his home once he's here." 

"Sounds good," I said. Mark agreed with me, and we both headed to the front door. For some reason, I still felt uneasy entering this house. Like the second I enter it, I'm going to be attacked or something. Even with Mark and a police officer here to protect me, I still felt unsafe. I turned the key in the lock and opened the door. A gasp escaped my lips as my eyes laid upon the room before me. 

It was completely trashed. Pictures and knick knacks were thrown everywhere. I walked into the living room to do some further investigation. Mark walked behind me looking around in shock. I kneeled down on one knee and picked up what looked like remains of something ripped up. Picking up only a couple pieces, I realized it was a picture of Mark and Felix. I looked over to the right and saw another picture face down. Seeing the frame and size of it, I could already tell it was the picture of Felix and I that we took while we were on a hike. It was previously hanging on the wall, but it was now on the floor with shattered glass around it. 

"Jesus, he went fucking batshit over this breakup," I said. "I don't know why," Mark brushed off, "fucker had it coming." "Yeah. I like to think that fucker has a lot of things coming to him. Karma's a bitch, you know." I raised back up onto my feet. "Let's just get my shit and get out of here," I said. We both headed upstairs towards Felix's bedroom. 

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